@NaturaMedicine’s Archive Amnesty - Using Essential Oils to Assist Mothers During and After Labor


This is the third and final part of my archived posts series on encouraging and empowering women to have Natural Non-Medicated Births! Any posts I do from here on out on this subject will be new material! If you haven’t read the first two posts you can click on this link for Empowering Mothers to Give Birth Naturally and this link for Helpful Ways to Cope During Labor.

@naturalmedicine has challenged us to an Archive Amnesty to fill up our ’back catalogue’ with remedies or advice. I hope many will find the information I share helpful.

In my post to empower mothers I briefly mentioned a few essential oil uses for during and after delivery. Today I will give you a more detailed list of the oils I use and how they can assist you during labor and possibly help to avoid medications and interventions.

We use Young Living essential oils because their oils are Pure and Therapeutic grade. I only recommend using essential oils (EO) that have these properties. You have to read the labels on essential oils because some oils you cannot ingest. If you cannot ingest them you don’t want to use these on your body because whatever you put on your skin will go inside your body. These volatile liquids work in your body on a cellular level for improvement. Whether you add drops to your drink, inhale the oils or take capsules they have a huge affect on your wellbeing emotionally, mentally and physically. They will not cause side effects and are a safe alternative to pharmaceutical medicines.



The Essential Oil Pocket Reference is such a handy tool. If you use essential oils this reference will teach you more about them. You will learn their properties, how their used and in what situations to use them. All of the information listed below comes from this source.

First I will list all ten oils, their historical data, properties, uses and fragrant influence. Each oil has quite a few properties so I will only list the ones that are relevant for this post. This will help you to understand why an oil is used for a particular need. Then I will share with you the recipes you can use during and after labor. Here we go...

Lavender -

Historical Data: It’s known for it’s ability to promote tissue regeneration and speed wound healing.
Uses: It’s used for perineal repair, scarring, stretch marks and nervous tension.
Medical Properties: analgesic, relaxant, anti-inflammatory
Fragrant Influence: Calming, relaxing and balancing both physically and emotionally. Lavender has been documented to improve concentration and mental acuity. It reduces mental stress and depression. It improves cognitive performance and increases alertness.

Frankincense -

Historical Data: It’s known as the “holy anointing oil” in the Middle East and was valued more than gold in ancient times.
Uses: It’s used for depression and inflammation.
Medical Properties: antidepressant, muscle relaxing
Fragrant Infuence: Increases spiritual awareness, promotes meditation, improves attitude and uplifts spirits.

Ylang Ylang -

Historical Data: It means “flower of flowers”. Traditionally known for promoting thick, shiny and lustrous hair.
Uses: It’s used for anxiety, depression and intestinal problems.
Medical Properties: anti-inflammatory, regulates heartbeat
Fragrant Influence: Balances male-female energies, enhances spiritual attunement, combats anger, combats low self-esteem, increases focus of thoughts, filters out negative energy, restored confidence and peace.

German Chamomile -

Historical Data: It’s known for herbal treatments.
Uses: It’s used for nervous tension and scar tissue.
Medical Properties: anti-inflammatory, relaxant, anesthetic
Fragrant Influence: Dispels anger, stabilizes emotions, soothes and clears the mind.

Fennel -

Historical Data: It’s known for balancing menstrual cycles.
Uses: It’s used for urinary tract infection and menstrual problems/PMS.
Medical Properties: anti-inflammatory, estrogen/like, analgesic, increases metabolism
Fragrant Influence: Promotes courage and is balancing.

Clary Sage -

Historical Data: It’s known for soothing and calming the skin and women’s ailments. It reduces inflammation and calms muscle spasms.
Uses: It’s used for menstrual discomforts/PMS, hormonal imbalance and circulatory problems
Medical Properties: estrogen-like, relaxant, anesthetic
Fragrant Influence: Enhances one’s ability to dream and is very calming and stress relieving.

Geranium -

Historical Data: It’s been known for centuries for regenerating and healing skin conditions.
Uses: It’s used for skin conditions, hormone imbalances, improving blood flow and menstrual problems/PMS.
Medical Properties: anti-inflammatory, hemostatic (stops bleeding), improves blood flow, antibacterial, antifungal, revitalizes skin cells
Fragrant Influence: Helps release negative memories and eases nervous tension; balances the emotions, lifts the spirit and fosters peace, well-being and hope.

Peppermint -

Historical Data: It’s known as one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion.
Uses: headaches, nausea, back problems, cooling sensation, energy
Medical Properties: anti-inflammatory, pain relieving
Fragrant Influence: Purifying and stimulating to the conscious mind. Research indicates when inhaled during mental tasks it may help attention, performance and focus. It also lessens headache pain.

Joy -

This is a blend created by Young Living. It consists of the following essential oils: ylang ylang, bergamot, geranium, coriander, lemon, jasmine, Roman chamomile, rose otto, mandarin and palmarosa.
Uses: It’s used for clearing, energy, grounding, happiness, stress, trauma and positive feelings.
Medical Properties: emotionally calming, balancing
Fragrant Influence: Promotes the emotions of love, happiness and confidence

Peace & Calming -

This is a blend created by Young Living. It consists of the following essential oils: ylang ylang, patchouli, tangerine, orange and blue tansy.
Uses: It’s used for unwinding and promotes a good night’s rest.
Medical Properties: calming, relaxing, balancing, stress relieving
Fragrant Influence: Calming to the mind and helps with focus.


Now on to the Recipes!!! I found some of these over the years through different Mommy blogs online and from studying essential oils for over 8 years. I have also used most of these recipes for my own labors and I can assure you they work Miracles!!!!

Diffusing Blend for Labor: In a diffuser add Lavender (4 drops), Frankincense (4 drops), Ylang Ylang (2 drops) and German Chamomile (2 drops).

Labor Rub Blend: Mix the following oils together with 1/2 ounce of carrier oil (olive, almond, coconut, grapeseed etc.) and use ONLY after labor starts. Massage 2-4 drops of the mixture inside your ankles, on the little toes, little fingers, lower abdomen and back. Fennel (4 drops), Peppermint (2 drops), Ylang Ylang (6 drops) and Clary Sage (3 drops).

Relaxation During Labor: Apply a drop of Peace & Calming to the wrists, edge of ears and bottom of feet.

For Uterine Discomfort/Support During Contractions: Keep by your bed a heated crockpot filled with purified water and a dozen fresh cloths. Make sure the water is hot but not too hot to handle. Place 15-20 drops of Lavender in the water. Assign someone to keep a steady flow of warm, wrung out wash cloths to place across your belly during contractions. As soon as it cools replace with another one.

Cool Wash Blend for Head and Face: Place the following oils in a bowl of cool water and use a wrung out wash cloth to cool your head and face during labor. German Chamomile (5 drops), Geranium (5 drops) and Lavender (10-20 drops).

Energy/Wake Up Boost: Fill a small bowl with water, 3-4 drops of Peppermint and a wash cloth. Use the wrung out wash cloth on the back of your neck during transition and for when you need an energy boost. DO NOT USE if you are dilated past 8 cm.

To Speed Up Labor: Apply Clary Sage neat (undiluted) to the inside of ankles and lower abdomen. You can also sniff the oil directly from the bottle or take capsules. Use during beginning of labor and during active labor.

Perineal Massage During Labor: Mix Clary Sage (5 drops) and Geranium (2 drops) with 2 tablespoons of carrier oil. Massage perineal hourly.

To Soothe Vaginal Opening During Labor: Apply Frankincense diluted with a carrier oil to the area.

Soreness During Normal Labor: Apply Frankincense to sore areas of back, legs and hips.

Back Labor: Apply Peppermint diluted with a carrier oil to back and hips (where pain is strongest).

After Birth Rub Blend: Use the following oils with a carrier oil on the abdomen to help expel placenta and tone the uterus. Geranium (5-10 drops), Lavender (5-10 drops) and Clary Sage (7-15 drops).

After Labor Diffusing Blend: In a diffuser add Peace & Calming (3 drops), Joy (3 drops) and Lavender (4 drops).

After Birth Soothing for Perineum: Soak wash cloths in water with Lavender (5 drops) and Geranium (2 drops). Wring out cloth, place in ziplock bag and refrigerate until well chilled. Apply the cloth to sore area.

For Anal Soreness: Mix 1 ounce of carrier oil, Geranium (5 drops), Lavender (5 drops), and Frankincense (2 drops). Gently cleanse area and apply directly to area of discomfort twice per day or after bowel movements.

To Help Urinate After Birth: Place a few drops of Peppermint oil in the toilet and hold the Peppermint bottle directly under your urethra so the fumes can help kickstart the reaction.

Cleaning and Soothing for Perineum after Urination: Mix the following oils in warm water in a peri bottle. Use after using the restroom to clean and soothe. Lavender (5-10 drops) and Frankincense (5 drops).


I hope this information is useful and valuable to you. There are ways to get through Natural labor without medications and you can start by trying out essential oils for your assistance. I wish that every mother can experience a natural birth but I know that’s not always the case. The main goal is for mommy and baby to be safe. I hope your birth experience is miraculous!!!

Many Blessings Everyone~ ❤️

All photos are my own.


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Beautiful. I wish id had these oils on hand during labour! I'm loving getting back into oils again. I bought myself a plug in diffuser and LOVE it. How nice woukd that be in the labour room?

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes they really made a huge difference for me and helped me get through. Oh yes that would be nice in the labor room!

Thanks so much for stopping by ~ 😊

Thats interesting to read about the benefits of these oils I really do not know to much about them

They have been life changing for my family! Can’t imagine not having them around :)

I have added a couple of them to my list, I am now and yes I havent always been a firm believer in making use of natural medicines wherever possible

Love the use of essential oils - totally - a wonderful contribution to health and an easier delivery. Young Living? Not a fan and many of their claims of superiority really don't stand up to scientific analysis.

Absolutely! They have been life changing for my family! I wouldn’t walk in my birthing room without them!

Yes we love Young Living. I’m not sure how deep of a study you have done on them but we tried out other brands before sticking with them. What we found based on use, experimenting, comparing, research...no other oils matched their value or potency. We were skeptical at first but will never use any other oils except for theirs. These are what works best for our family and this is our personal preference.

Happy for you. Yes, after 12 years of running a natural products biz and in the process of distilling oils here in Thailand, you could say I've studied it in depth. Young Living does a superb marketing job. Their oils ARE good. But that's it. So are many, many others at a fraction of the price. If you're happy with them, great. And whatever works for you to build natural health is what matters most.

To be honest if we had the means and resources to distill our own oils we would too. I think that’s a great opportunity to be able to do that. I believe there are other good oils out there. During the time we were looking (about 9 years ago) we just didn’t find any others we wanted to try. It wouldn’t hurt to look again to have other options especially if YL oils ever become unavailable. Their prices definitely are steep and not affordable to many. We mostly keep our staples on hand and try out new products from time to time.

Thanks for your feedback and sharing your knowledge on what you have found.

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Thank you! ☺️

Where have I been?!!! Love this post! I see a few more oils I need to add to my list, unfortunately I dont know if I can get YL down under but I have oils from various suppliers already, but will have to go back and double check the fine print.

I always thought there was a difference between essential oils in baths than ingesting oils. I've never ingested any of mine but used to use them mainly for bath bombs.

That said I always preferred certified organic oils.

Posted using Partiko Android

I’m so glad you found this post helpful!!! I definitely understand about YL. If you already have a supplier just getting as many of these as you can on hand would make a world of difference!

Yes some oils are not ingestible and most should have that labeled. The ones that are you can pretty much cook with them, add them to drinks etc. I like adding them to my baths too :)

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