Everybody *Nose* Comfrey heals bones!

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago

I was thinking about what my Medicine story could be and then it hit me, literally, like the traumatic flashback it is. Well, not that traumatic, but nonetheless, I have physical pain when I remember this moment in my life.

Gym class. 1998. 16 years old. Sec 4 high school. Badminton.

You see where this is going? We were winning, my team mate and I, and I turned towards the back to hit the birdie. It would have fallen just on the other side of the net and given us the win. My team mate decided to run for the birdie from the other half of our side.

She missed the birdie.

The first thing that happened was hearing a crack, like a movie sound effect, and feeling a vibration all the way into my brain. Then I stood frozen in shock. Then blood began to drip. LOTS OF BLOOD. So I ran, as I created puddles along the gym floor, towards the drinking fountain. You know those old fashioned drinking fountains made of white ceramic, with like 4 or 5 water things, but it's all one big thing. It was full of blood, there was a puddle on the floor too. Classmates were bringing me towels and tissues for my nose. Gym teacher strolls in nonchalant. "We've called your mother, so don't worry, she's on her way." Meanwhile, girls next to me are saying "It's going to be okay, Celinka, everything's going to be all right." But then one passed out, a few others ran to the bathroom to throw up. I might be squeamish about seeing blood and gore, but when it's your own, adrenaline makes sure you ain't squeamish.

So needless to say, my nose was broken real good, an entire centimeter to the right, the bone was dislodged big time. But they could not operate on it right away. I had to wait a week. To fix it, they had to break it anew, all while I was under. So imagine the physical trauma, not just psychological. Look, I just tap my nose accidentally and emotions flood in from the memory, even all this time later, but my nose is the most solid its ever been in my entire life. Why? Comfrey + Arnica.


So, after the operation, my mom gave me Arnica Montana (homeopathic remedy). The doc said he'd never seen anyone after such an operation without blue circles around their eyes. +Heals for me from my healer (mom) with the boost of Arnica. In gaming, when you get hit with a lot of damage, it's good to not only have Heal abilities that boost it at once, but that also do a bit of healing over time. That's how Arnica and Comfrey operate.

So then then there is the meter long cotton ball things that they stuffed in each nostril that was preventing me from breathing properly. When I got home, it was a struggle. My mom brewed me some Comfrey.


Comfrey is AWFUL in taste. It's disgusting, gross, but man, I recommend it! ;) LAWLZ True story.

The next day we went to the clinic and I said, I can't breathe, remove whatever is in here. Photoshop ain't got nothin' on a mucus to blood gradient. But I could BREATHE! The doc checked my nose, said it seemed more solid after a day than most post-op noses. He said to be very careful with it. So what did I do? Went home and drank MORE of the comfrey. Yuck! And then more that night, and the next morning too. Oh, did I hate that I had to drink the stuff. But one week later at the checkup, my nose was more healed after one week, than typical noses after one month. So there!

If you want to beat the boss fight you need good healers with good healing abilities.

While I may be traumatised for life now (every time I see a badminton racket or even tennis things, my nose hurts; every time I conk my nose, I tear up reflexively; my nose is super sensitive) the bone of my nose is SOLID. And it healed quickly. And that was all down to the Arnica and the Comfrey. I believe their combined forces allowed this quick and effective healing. The Arnica was a 200 CH. Took it once only. The comfrey, drank it for 3 days, as for any brew, and then that was it. Comfrey can also be used as a compress over the area of a broken bone when it's an arm or a leg, or a sprained wrist or ankle.

It's amazing how herbs and plants can heal so well. I remember being paranoid my nose bone was slowly shifting back to another position lol I also remember getting nose bleeds a lot for a few years afterwards. But my nose is more beautiful now than it was before it got broken. So you could say I got free plastic surgery HAH!

Images are from Pixabay: Comfrey, Arnica Montana, Comfrey.

This is my entry for the @NaturalMedicine contest Medicine Story. See the original post here: https://steemit.com/naturalmedicine/@naturalmedicine/do-you-have-a-natural-medicine-story-to-tell-come-closer-we-re-listening

Remember to Upvote, Resteem & Follow. THank you for your time and attention.


Great story @binkyprod, such a vivid recollection. I shuddered at the thought of how painful that would have been. Arnica is a go to herb for me and I use the homeopathic version as well, it is my go to when I get burned (Which happens far more that it should in the kitchen). The difference between a burn without taking a dose of arnica and with is visibly noticeable and the pain relief is exceptional. Your mom knew what she was doing!

She sure did. Taught me a lot about what I know today of natural healing.

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Ah, what a fabulous healing story. My eyes were watering as I read it. Arnica is awesome. Used to apply it to my kid when he was a toddler and bumping into everything. Us new mums used to joke it'd hide the bruises from where we whacked them one (you nose that is a joke!). Sadly our comfrey has died off for the winter - I wanted to give it to jamie who's recovering from a nose operation and I wish I'd dried some specifically, I just didn't think ahead. Du'oh. It might have stopped him moaning so much, even on a placebo level he he. Great story!!! Loved it! thanks for sharing!

Do you have a herb store near your place? There is a herb store frkm which my mom and I get all our herbs for brewing. I am suddenly reminded that I have run out of Liquorice Root.

Great story @binkyprod, such a vivid recollection. I shuddered at the thought of how painful that would have been. Arnica is a go to herb for me and I use the homeopathic version as well, it is my go to when I get burned (Which happens far more that it should in the kitchen). The difference between a burn without taking a dose of arnica and with is visibly noticeable and the pain relief is exceptional. Your mom knew what she was doing!

Great story @binkyprod, such a vivid recollection. I shuddered at the thought of how painful that would have been. Arnica is a go to herb for me and I use the homeopathic version as well, it is my go to when I get burned (Which happens far more that it should in the kitchen). The difference between a burn without taking a dose of arnica and with is visibly noticeable and the pain relief is exceptional. Your mom knew what she was doing!

Oh my goodness, I am cringing just reading your painful story. Oh my! Well, at least you love how your nose turned out. lol

You’ve been visited by @vibesforlife on behalf of Natural Medicine!

Honestly, I had water in my eyes and tickles in my nose when I was reading it. What an amazing healing story. I have never heard of Comfrey but it sounds like an absolute life saver or a nose saver :)

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Hehe what's funny is today my nose has a bit of blood when I blow it. I think I induced some sort of physical flashback! 😮😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Great story! Isn't comfrey amazing? And arnica too. Your mom made hella good choices for you.
And funny! This line had me laughing out loud
I might be squeamish about seeing blood and gore, but when it's your own, adrenaline makes sure you ain't squeamish. How nice the body knows what to do in a crisis!

😆 Yes. Adrenaline wcan make superhumans of us all.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanx for sharing your story.In the olden days there were many natural therapies used but now scenes are changing. I remember my grandmother always used to keep Arnica and give us anytime we had any troubles with health. I have not heard of Comfrey though

Comfrey is pretty useful. Like with any herb, it's good to reasearch it and its potential effects and to try it for a small dose before using it for healing to be sure your body reacts well to it. My mom used compresses of it after her car accident and it helped heal her bones.

Posted using Partiko Android

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