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RE: Collection of the "How too" posts on comfrey tincture making for the #naturalmedicine Story!

Comfrey is really a good natural medicine 👌
I also prefer natural remedies before accessing pharmaceutical tablets... the pharmaceutical industry just wants to earn us and is not interested in our health.
That's why I think you have to look for remedies in nature 😉


I have worked for years to increase the strength (which was good to begin with) of my Comfrey Tincture. I have it extracting enough now that the Decocted left over roots no longer turn my hands brown when I empty the machinery. The 1/2 inch diameter roll on bottles, are no longer able to pass high intensity light due to increased concentration of the Allintoin, which is the active compound.

I have found this herbal to heal just about everything but a cloudy day, ROFLOL! Seriously it is a vulnerary, which accelerates cell division, and as such promotes healing. Deep penetration from skin applications allows it to help with a lot of internal problems too.

But use this method, and you will have a VERY strong fighter in your first aid arsenal!

Be Blessed My Friend! :)

That's right Allantoin can positively support the skin's health ... Comfrey knew my grandma and grandpa already ... I know ... the root pieces with 40 - 50% alcohol. Close everything well and shake well. Leave this approach for about 3-4 weeks in a warm non-sunny place to pull through ... how do you make your tincture?

Low temperature decoction, steam extraction, 50% tincture by adding pure grain.

That's interesting I only know it without adding grain... what should the cereal make?

I am after the most concentrated comfrey I can make. The process extracts all the active compounds from the dried root. When it is decocted I have 2 quarts of thick, brown liquid, that contains the Allintoin.

I add the grain alcohol strictly to preserve the decoction.

oh well ... now I understand 👍
Thank you so much

Any time, it is VERY effective repairing body damage. :D I have it on several places that are sore right now.

I wish you a speedy recovery and a quick healing!!!!

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