
What a beautiful post and appropriate pictures lol. It's always a good.idea to listen to ones body. I went on a self medicating frenzy last time I was fatigued.. a few weeks back... and just made things worse as the iron I took upset my tummy. I must remember this advice next time... hard to rest though when you HAVE to work. X

After 50 + years of dealing with the exhaustion (I hate Fatigue, so doesn't cover what I feel), I can so relate to this post. I never know, from minute to minute, when it will hit or how hard, or for how long.

When it does, it pretty much just flattens me. I am found on the couch, often with 2 quilts on (even if it's 85F) because I don't have enough energy to keep myself warm... And I wait it out....

There are no other options, really. If I try to push through it, I know I will have fall out for at least 1 day and maybe 2.

Sometimes I have to push, knowing I will be crashed and burned for days...

Yeah, living with chronic exhaustion takes a LOT of planning and a LOT of stamina...

For a minute there I thought you had a pet pig named Fatigue :P

Great message, I definitely tend to overwork and have to listen to those signs from my mind and body to find time to rest. Good for you to take the space you need to energize yourself :)

It is best to take the signals our body gives and go with what our heart feels is right. Sometimes it just wants to do nothing and its all ok, we should surrender rather then fighting it out with all different things. Fatigueness is just the way our body tells us go slow.

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