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RE: I'm still here! [Update from the Aether: Graduation, Lavender Absolute, Piperine Isolate, Starting Business]

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago

Yeah, I'd come haunt you for a bit till you got the message ;)

Ya know... the ginger/turm ferment really surprises me. You're absolutely correct that it's cleared. When I shake it it gets hella cloudy from sediment but then clears to this beautiful orange you see in the video. I've been contemplating filtering it (when I can get it opened LOL) and calcining the herbs to extract the mineral salts for recombination, but idk if all the compounds have been dissolved in solution or not so I don't want to waste a bunch of the herb :\ Confused! Oh well..

Heh I knew you would understand it more clearly, just hard to explain through text. Almost all of the medicines I've made were specifically for me that I made excess to give away to others, but I never had bottles so only a little ever escaped. It also costs hella money to do these things at the level of expertise I'm performing at, so I think selling them at low cost is a great idea which I thank you and the NM crew for encouraging me to set up shop. Lab equipment is not cheap hehe. The piperine extract is something I've been looking forward to for years. I didn't explain in the video, but I'll be doing a recrystallization of piperine. After straining the herb I'll slowly add distilled water into the alcohol extracted solution which will force the piperine out of solution and cause it to precipitate as crystalline piperine. It'll be very crude, but there are processes I can go through to further clean it up to pure piperine if I so desired. Gonna be a fun experiment!

Alchemical icecream... omg.. I'll have to talk to my Alchemist chef buddy to see what his thoughts are on that! I have difficulties applying Alchemy to preparing foods heh..

I'd love to have an ear to chat about the drama, but it risks my freedom discussing it anywhere with "recording" capability. Discord is far from secure. :\ Thank you though. I think I have it handled. Just...ungodly stressful.

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