NaNotes #2 - To Kill a Buddha

in #nanotes7 years ago


Have you ever heard the phrase "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him"? Have you ever wondered why a non-violent religion would ever preach murder? How does this all connect to NaNoWriMo? Do you want to find out? Step aside, Atticus, because we're about to find out after the jump!

Hi! Welcome to another edition of my NaNotes, or Notes of a Frustrated Author/Enthusiastic Storyteller About His Journey Through the Wild National Novel Writing Month and His Quest to Churn Out Another Book From the Ether. Whew! That's a mouthful! (That's what she said ;) ) Aren't you glad that I shortened the title to NaNotes? No? Then maybe you would prefer to call this series NOAFAESAHJTTWNNWMAHQTCOABFTE. Hmm… now that I think about it…

The First Steps in Killing the Buddha


Before we get to the why, we must first deal with the how, like civilized intellectuals. This is how great wars are won—doing instead of thinking. And, what is NaNoWriMo but a war… of words, that is. The ever elusive Buddha is a being that can't be easily killed. As with most ideas, they simply just won't die. So, once you take up this task, you have to be steadfast and not stray from your goal. The same goes for NaNoWriMo, which I'll pivot to in the next paragraph, because reasons.

Focus on meeting the deadline. You only have 30 days to complete the task, so you don't have time to be distracted. Same goes with killing anyone. You don't have all the time in the world to finish your task, so stay focused and be efficient. What are you even doing reading this? Go on and write! But wait, since you're already here, might as well stick around for the big finale, right?

Make an outline and leave room to stray. Set a bare bones outline, with a definite finale. As with any plans, you won't always get the chance to stick to it, so plan your contingencies ahead. I know it's fun to just wing it, but if you don't stay consistent, you'll look more like a dodo bird flapping around rather than a precise eagle diving towards its prey. Guess which species have gone extinct?

Turn off your inner editor. It's tough to consciously stop editing your work as you go along, so at least try to keep it to a minimum. If you want to finish by the end of the month, you would quickly find that being anchored to editing makes it tough to do so. Editing is the problem of next month's version of you. As with killing, you can't critique your work as you go along. You'll get sloppy and you would end up getting caught. So, let's stay out of jail, shall we?

Set up a relaxed environment. If you want to rattle out 1,667 words per day, then you better have a place where you can let your ideas flow. This could be your room, a hipster coffee shop, or the middle of a busy market. Wherever you feel like you're free to let loose and put your thoughts to digital paper, go write there. As with killing, you don't want to execute someone where you're not comfortable with. I mean, you won't always have the luxury to choose where, but if you do, then take advantage of it. Preferrably with tons of exits.

Stock up your arsenal. Writer's block is unavoidable, so find alternative ways to get stuff done whenever it strikes. As with killing, there are a million ways to murder someone. Don't get boxed in with a bullet to the head or asphyxiation. Get creative.

A Violent Turn (of Phrase)


Now that we've rattled off some of the how's, I think it's time discuss the why's. The saying actually came from an old koan attributed to the Zen Master Linji. If you took it literally, then you're farther (or closer) to enlightenment than you thought. As with every other koan, it's symbolic. As much as I want to write a 3,000-word write-up all about it, I'm going straight to the NaNoWriMo connection.

Imagine the "road" as your path to finishing the goal. Whether it's just for NaNoWriMo or your path to becoming an author, the "road" is that path. The Buddha being referred to in the koan is a teacher that seeks to help you travel down that path. It could come in the form of an experienced author or a group of authors trading tips on how to write. Don't get me wrong, this is not a knock on anybody in particular.

Learning from other people's experiences is all well and good, and abiding by basic language structure is a definite plus, but if you lose that fire or what it is that got you into writing, is it all worth it? If writing stops being fun and you're forced to abide by other people's ideals, then you lose your identity as a writer. This isn't a popular opinion, but it's an inconvenient truth.

And yes, I'm fully aware of the irony of me writing tips. Trust me when I say it was all intentional. When I first started in Steemit more than a year ago, I initially posted life lessons so I just wanted to hearken back to it. If anything, I wrote this to emphasize my earlier folly. By all means, kill me.

Guerilla Storytelling (Turn that Shit Up)

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We all have our own unique writing style, so who has the right to say that their style is better than anyone else's? It could be true for the current climate, but ten or a twenty years down the road? That might not be the case. Learn the ropes of writing readable work, then mold it into your own.

Don't get me wrong though. I'm not advocating bad writing. I truly believe that if one chooses to write in a certain language, then one has to abide by that language's rules. By no means that they have to be a stickler about it though. If you feel like you want to improve your skill in writing, then there are several groups of Steemians ready to help you out. It's one thing to be happy about what you've written, it's another thing for others to appreciate what you've written as well. The best thing is to find a perfect balance between both. But, the most important thing is that you are happy with what you end up with.

That's why I choose to identify as a storyteller rather than a writer or an author. Writing is just a means to get my story across. Sure, in the past, I've been very vocal about my displeasure of the lack of interaction, but that was the compromise I took. I sacrificed being marketable for my vision. But, that is in no way anyone's fault. I have high hopes that I would build an audience as time goes by.

The road is long, and there are many Buddhas that have yet to show up. Time to get to killing.

NaNo Update

Here's my progress so far:


I've fallen off a bit the other day because I had to do wedding preparations, but I managed to write 90 words, so that's still something. Even one word is progress, right? I've fallen off a bit from my pace last year, but I'm still slightly above the curve.

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Some incredible tips by one of the best authors on this platform (people, listen to this man, he's know exactly what he's talking about).

I forgot all about the NaNoWriMo compo. I'm so glad you're going to partake in it (as you had previously hinted at) so I'm looking forward to a great read coming soon. I found the words of "Zen Master Linji" very insightful and great for motivation and mind expansion. For anyone embarking on such a rigorous mission as this month's challenge, this is positively gold dust.

And couple with your snippets of wisdom at the start, this should all you need to get up and running! Very intelligently written and extremely useful.

Another home run "out of the park" post. I'm gonna save this to keep me in check too as I'm sure every author can relate to straying from the path from time to time, as it were. Awesome stuff, my brother! :)

I appreciate the compliment, brother, but I feel that it's a sentiment you share with only a diminishing few. With only a few people even viewing my posts, it's a shame that not a lot would be able to view your comment. I knew I was heading for a whimper of an exit, I just didn't expect it to be this early haha!

With the way you've been churning out stories, you don't even need the NaNo prompt anymore. You just post and the $$$ come your way haha! I'm glad that you find some use for this though. A couple more of this in stock and yeah.

I wouldn't say that this was a home run in terms of earnings, but I'm happy about the reception it got. It's certainly "out of the park" though, away from anyone else's eyes that is hahaha! I appreciate you taking the time to comment :D

You're killing it!! Yeah!! Kill. Damn I am in the mood for some killing!

This was a seriously great article dude, the tips are invaluable and should totally be considered by anyone who wants to get writing.

For me one of the best was the outline but not being scared to stray. I often write with an idea and sometimes the writing takes a life of its own and the plot dramatically changes.

They are all good points.

You are doing so well on your target! Keep it up you crazy tank of liquid bro-pane!!

Right!? Subliminal messages are always the best. Wheat luck, we might even be able to bacon some tasty endorsements here and there. Now, lettuce journey forward and satiate our hunger!

Coming from a master storyteller, that seal of approval means a lot! I checked Google and it agrees with me.


I do hope other people get a chance to read this and appreciate it, as much as I appreciate you re-steeming this post, Boomtown!

Oh you know I'm going to keep it up! All night long! I'm going to keep it up until I explode!!


Aaaaand that became way more suggestive than intended >.<

This was awesome, reminds me of the first article of yours I ever read, which of course it should since it was all about nanowrimo!
I definitely agree that if your writing stops being fun or you find yourself trying to hard to fit others ideals then you've taken a wrong turn.
Kickass Jed, I know you will!

I did mention that in the first NaNotes, you're one of the people who showed a lot of admiration for that post :D Right? If you're just writing for the paycheck, then why write at all? Writing is an art form, unlike other scientific or menial pursuits that can be done without feeling anything for it. Emotions play a big factor in our craft.

I know I got my big sis rooting for me so I know I will!

That extensive acronym! Even though that one is much moar funnier I'm glad you went with NaNotes XD I've never done NaNo, thought about it at one stage as some writer friends I had at the time were like YOU SHOULD DO THIS. Then I never got around to it XD

Hmm have you killed someone before? You seem to know what you're doing XD

Your graph is looking pretty good, doesn't matter that you dropped off a bit as there's a few above the line that make up for it right :D You're doing great :D


Really? Gah! I just needed one vote to sway me to use that extensive acronym! I was the only one who voted for it, so I needed a backup haha! You could do a NaNo-like thing with your art. Start from scratch and put milestones. At the end of the month, if you've finished all the milestones, then get a cookie because you, my friend, are a closer ;)

Hmm have you killed someone before? You seem to know what you're doing XD

Hmm erm, I invoke my right against self-incrimination.

I was hoping that by this time I had already built a comfortable lead like last year, then I could just coast for the back half of the month haha!

I really enjoyed this, a nicely written tutorial on writing. I had heard that Buddha-killing parable before, but now I actually understand it; the road is the lesson, and our path is the ultimate teacher. And, I can see how that fat Buddha guy could effectively block the whole road with his enormous... presence.
I'm happy to see that you have made new posts recently, I have some catching up to do! Great to read your valuable thoughts on the writing process, very helpful for me, as I often feel like it's my first day when I try to compose something without using simple guidelines and available tools like outlines and sketches. Just like drawing, my hand has to get warmed up before the truly elegant lines begin to dominate the picture.

I really enjoyed this, a nicely written tutorial on writing

Writing... yes, that's right :/ This is all about writing. No subtext here! Just good ol' pen to paper, and nowhere else. I'm glad it's what you took from it, brother, because I didn't mean to state any other tutorial. No sir, no sir.

the road is the lesson, and our path is the ultimate teacher

That indeed! I'm glad I was able to get the message across clearly. You know, I feel exactly the same way. It always feels like I'm new to writing whenever I start with a blank page. I always say that I'm like diesel--takes time to warm up and bad for the environment. On the plus side, there's always that joy of creating something fresh, instead of a pre-planned, pre-structured text.

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, brother! Always so insightful!

So, you plan to kill the fiancee-you by getting married? I mean the single you was killed when you engaged.

I'm not quite I follow with how it all connects, but I guess you're right. Figuratively speaking, that is. My single me will be killed, I guess. But, literally? There would be no killing happening thankfully :D

I wish you happy wedding and a happy wedded life. (... as you are going to be reborn into a husband).

I hope the rebirth comes with great fortune! Thanks for the well wishes, my friend!

Yes, I hope it does - for the beginning I added your post to the Carl Gnash's Humanbot follow upvote (... so a tiny bit of fortune coming).

I'm not quite sure if it already kicked in, but thank you all the same!

Useful, thanks for sharing.
I've resteemed your post!

Uh... thanks! I see you've resteemed a bunch of others as well.

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