Winners of My Story Contest 2 : What's the most adventurous thing you have ever done !

First of all let me thank every one who up voted Your Story Contest and helped crowd funding the contest prize. The idea of the contest was to primarily support Steemit users with great content with not much success yet , but contest was open to everyone !

Theme of the Contest 2 was to write a blog about What's the most adventurous thing you have ever done

The participation was very less as compared to last contest .But entries were amazing blogs with hard core adventure, supported with great text, photos and videos !

Here are the 3 Winner's Blogs with their Real life Adventure Experience !

Surviving an 800ft cliff

By @castlebravo


An Adventurous Bike Ride to the World's Second Most Dangerous Road , Sach Pass

By @touringdiaries


The Way to the Summit of Humboldt Peak

By @manuelmendez


I highly recommend reading each one of these great blogs ! Appreciate if you could show some love & support by visiting these profiles !

You can see all the contest entries here



As I mentioned in my original post all of the author rewards SBD's would go to winners based on the original post payout.

Prize !

Total 22.708 SBD that is , 7.569 SBDs for each winners !

Hoping to start another contest this week with a new theme , Stay tuned !

Thank you!
My Sheepshot Photography Gallery

My Recent Blog


Follow/Resteem if you like my content, Thank you!


Thank u so much for selecting my story as one of the winners and congratulations to other winners as well. 😊 Every story that was part of this Contest made me realise how amazing people we have around us. We just need to connect and share our stories. I'm certainly looking upto more of such competitions where in I'll get to know more and more people and make this community a more stronger one. Cheers 😊

Amazing contest, looking foward to the next one, @castlebravo entry was amazing!

Thanks, hopefully soon !

I'm so sad that I didn't have time to submit an entry for this one! I'll be watching out for your next contest!

Great entries, adventurers!!!

Sure , will start soon.

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