
@doitvolunarily you added the pic before I did, I didn't see your one and added one too opps.
Need to check the feed before adding things to make surer quicker fingers don't bet me to it lol.
great minds think a like...

Don't worry about it, you guys did great, and now I know. I'll tell the boy tomorrow!

imagine going from that back in the day (real thing) to now crypto.. it just is rather mind-blowing! amazing times we are living in!

Indeed. The widow's mite was not worth much at all back then, but an original from the times of Jesus would be worth quite a bit now, I suppose. Reminds me of Bitcoin back in the day being worth a fraction of a cent. Look at where it is now.

I know you were replying pertaining to the changes in currency over time, but I couldn't help but consider the changes in value too!

Full Steem Ahead!

There is even a Wikipedia article about the original coins of Alexander Jannaeus:

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 58080.30
ETH 3102.16
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.40