
@yidneth is also going..... or that is what I've heard...or what I hope :D

REALLY??? omg that's awesome!!!! @yidneth tell me it's true???

No, he was teasing, there are several contests and I am just nominated in some but somehow even if that were the case I am not inclined to travel alone, hedac jokes not to cut wings to the chance, and we certainly cannot afford any expense, so ut is unlikely. Still hecis convinced I msy mske the cut snd that I should go if so.
@hedac why do you do this? Not funny :/

aw man I hope you win one too!!! Sending all the good karma you sent to me back to you =) and if not, no worries, there will always be another one and maybe we will meet in Spain instead =)

Whatever it's meant to be it will be meant to be... right now I do not want to "overthink" it. If by any chance I win one then I'll decide what to do :)

that's a good way to think =) I'm still crossing fingers and toes for you =)

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