My Road to Steemfest - Shoutouts!

in #myroadtosteemfest6 years ago (edited)


Dear Steemfesters & party animals,

The excitement is building up and the trip is only 23 days away! OMG that's crazy! I'm looking forward to this trip for so many reasons, but the main reason is to meet those people I only know on screen! It's weird, because some of you I feel like I already really know. When I'll see you it will be more like oh hey there you are! as opposed to nice to meet you, I'm Eve.

I guess several will recognize me from my videos so you'll have no problem identifying me, but if you are more of a blog writer as opposed to a vlogger, it will be like a treasure hunt for me to find the faces behind the usernames!

The first people I intend to look for to give them a big hug are:

  • @llfarms, you deserve the biggest hug, and I will try not to choke you in the process. You are the reason I'm even going, so be prepared to be smothered. I may do that a lot during the event especially later on...the more I drink, the more I start hugging people, so brace yourself (better than starting fights, right?)

  • @raj808 - Rowan, I've known you since my Steemit beginnings, when I had no clue how to even write a proper post. I can't wait to chat/discuss/gossip with you as soon as I get there and make you juggle with apples or oranges.

  • @anomadsoul I can't beat you at poker, but I sure as hell will beat you at fussball should there be one. I hope there is...I was gonna write something cheesy like thanking you for helping me, bla bla bla but I prefer to simply share some beers and lots of good laughs with you at the party instead lol. I'll also help you find your babe, you know the one with the fat wallet..

  • @meno, I'm soooo incredibly happy to know that you're going! It was the best news for me when I heard! Not only do I love your blog, I also think you're such a great person and I can't wait to meet you! Nothing further to say =)

  • @teamsteem, I look forward to listening to that French Canadian accent of yours, and I'm not being sarcastic! I love Canadians and when they happen to be vegan, even better! Every Canadian I've met so far is a great person, and I have a good feeling about you too. I'm also glad I won't have to look for the vegan lunch and dinner options on my own while there. I really can't wait to meet you, you seem like a very interesting person all over!

  • @guyfawkes: When you won that ticket I was so happy for you! Then shortly after I won mine, and I think you were one of the first people I told the good news to. It's as if winning a ticket was like a bonding experience. I don't know you well, but I will look for a guy who may or may not wear a suit at the event =)

  • @soyrosa I'm glad I'll have someone to practice my Dutch with, but please cover your ears, because it may sound horrible LOL.

  • @abh12345 I will be looking for the guy with the glow sticks LOL. I'm sorry I didn't discover your blog profile before this whole road to Steemfest dynamic, but I will make sure to make up for that =)!

Everyone else, I don't know you very well but this will change very soon. I look forward to meeting all of you in 3 weeks time @coruscate, @tarazkp, @exyle, @bkdbkd, @karensuestudios, @eveuncovered, @pharesim, @steevc, @gtg, @roelandp, @celestal, @revisesociology, @slobberchops, @lukestokes, @timcliff, @scipio, @therealwolf.

If I didn't mention you, I apologize, it wasn't intentional!

eve signature.png



Hey ditto. I'm looking forward to it!

Not too long now!

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counting down the days =)

I believe you will be fine speaking Dutch :D Can't wait, can't wait! It's really starting to be 'days' instead of 'months' now hehehe :D

I know time flies, I remember when it was such a long time ahead, and I wasn't even considering going at first LOL

Waaa somanypeopletomeetthatIdon'tknowifIcanhandleit!

Trying not to get overwhelmed. Although, I know how awesome Steemians are - I don't think it's possible to drown in awesomeness. Looking forward to it :D

ahahah I know how you feel, but it will be epic I'm sure =) Do you still have that cool haircut? At least you will be an easy person to recognize!

Yeh, still a walking Mohawk, should catch the eye, indeed ;)

niiiice =)

I shall start practicing my juggling Eve ;-) Looking forward to meeting you and el-cr at steemfest 3. It was nice to hear you presenting the other day on the whaleshares show. I'm grinning ear to ear for Krakow now :-) :-)

ahahah nice! Oh man I was so nervous to do the show....and will do it again next week aaahhhh. Yeah I'm literally counting down the days, like a kid LOL

Is finally el-cr going with you? I'm happy you get to live this experience :)

Hi Pris, how's it going? Yes he is =) He hasn't posted about it yet, but he keeps telling me he will lol

@yidneth is also going..... or that is what I've heard...or what I hope :D

REALLY??? omg that's awesome!!!! @yidneth tell me it's true???

No, he was teasing, there are several contests and I am just nominated in some but somehow even if that were the case I am not inclined to travel alone, hedac jokes not to cut wings to the chance, and we certainly cannot afford any expense, so ut is unlikely. Still hecis convinced I msy mske the cut snd that I should go if so.
@hedac why do you do this? Not funny :/

aw man I hope you win one too!!! Sending all the good karma you sent to me back to you =) and if not, no worries, there will always be another one and maybe we will meet in Spain instead =)

Whatever it's meant to be it will be meant to be... right now I do not want to "overthink" it. If by any chance I win one then I'll decide what to do :)

that's a good way to think =) I'm still crossing fingers and toes for you =)

It was pretty amazing how things turned out, that's for sure. I think you got a ticket a week after I got one, or something like that; things happened really fast. :))

I'd love to bring a suit but, I'm not sure if I'll be able to; I'm trying to save up space when packing since I need to bring quite a couple of clothes to keep me warm in November. :D

Looking forward to seeing you there.

lol yeah I agree!! Better to be warm =)

Yay!!!! So excited to meet you and I’m all for hugs 🤗. I can’t believe we are almost there! See you in a few weeks!! ❤️❤️

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