MyPictureDay - Aquarium
I don't always caption my pictures but you are welcome to make your own conclusions.
Ich füge meinen Bildern nicht immer eine Beschreibung hinzu aber Ihr könnt Euch gerne Eure eigenen Eindrücke bilden.
Shot with Nikon D750 + Tamron 28-300mm.
- ISO was 2000
- Various focal lengths and apertures
Looking forward to sell the Tamron lense some day and get two lenses (wide, tele) with wider apertures
Ich hoffe irgendwann meine Tamron Linse verkaufen und zwei lichtstärkere Objektive kaufen zu können - ein Weitwinkel- und ein Teleobjektiv.
Beste Grüße,
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Sehr stark
Danke sehr Tim
Fantastic photography, man. Upvoted, would appreciate your support in return. :)
Good post, request you to follow me, and upvote please.
Thank you.
Wow..Thats very good photography...I appreciate to see this photo... That's amazing job
your photography is always good enough.. i always appreciate your photography.. keep it up
such lovely and amazing photography , nice post
Beautiful shots!
Every time I visit aquariums it seems that the glass is dirty!

Bhahahahaha!! You made my day!! That is exactly what I need for my aquarium visits.