📷 MyPictureDay: Blockchain, Chain of Events and magic of Coincidences. August the 3rd

in #mypictureday7 years ago

It takes some effort to get my ass from the computer. My work is at the computer, most of my social life is too. I need some goal or motivation to get up and have a go. Back in a day it was Pokemon GO. It really made you to explore and see places. Since i have joined steemit i saw this challenge by @timsaid #mypictureday. So i thought it is a good excuse to get out and tell you more about the place i live.

I live in Vilnius, Lithuania and today i wanted to show you a nice park and a secret place in it. The park is call Vingis Park or Curve Park a straightforward translation is made as it has many curved paths in there.

The road to the park is quite straight however and lasts about 1000 meters until you arrive at the park itself.

Click on images to enlarge

You can engage in different activities, like having a lunch, lying on the grass or renting a bike, longboard or anything else that has wheels on it to move around.


This is the main square where different public events and concerts take place in the summer.



And i have just learned that Robbie Williams is coming on August the 16th.


This is a different perspective from inside the dome. You definitely want to enlarge this one.


But enough of tourist attractions. It is time to take suspension lock off and go offtrack for a bit to show you that secret place i have mentioned before and tell you about that strange coincidence i had today which was led by strange chain of events that each time make me to believe in Determinism which leads into discussion about living in a simulation, but lets skip this for now.


This is my bike, which i bough used, had a custom black paint job done and yes i slap my startup logo on everything i get my hands on :)


It took my a while to find this place, though i have been here a few times already. It is an open air gym deep in the park, that mostly only locals know about. It is very cool to work out a bit there but those damn Mosquitoes. @ewkaw should now too well what i am talking about lol


All weights are made from big wood trunks and are not actually that heavy when it's dry, but if you came to work out after a few days of raining you might be surprised.




So... the mysterious part now. When i came to the spot, there was a single guy there who was having his workout. I started snapping images which got us into conversation, and i told him about the challenge on steemit which was the reason i was here in the middle of nowhere basically.

I am working with the blockchain. - He said.

I was staring at him for a while... I mean, there are just a few people in Lithuania that work with the blockchain literally. And now i am standing deep in the forest, where i have arrived to take images for a blockhain based community and i have been inquiring if someone knew a guy who is working with this technology for over a few weeks now with no success.
I am doing this because i want my startup BeScouted to reward talent in a similar manner that steemit does.

There is an event tonight happening - I dropped the dumbbell on my leg.....

Good thing it was not raining for the last few days, so it dried out. I am attending the same event tonight and i have met this guy in the forest i have been looking for weeks while taking pictures for this challenge. Seriously? What are the odds, i am having goosebumps this very moment i am typing these words...

Well.. i will let you know how this develops. But after that and a good workout you need a drink. I have enjoyed a glass of a drink that is made from dried bread and raisins that i do knot know an English name for. It is a bit similar to beer or ginger ale but it is home brew.



I was walking and sipping it little by little when i saw those mushrooms and instantly remembered @freeinthought and his post about eating Amanita Muscaria I snapped a few photos thinkig he might tell what type of mushrooms are these as i know a place where they thrive.



And finally i was back in civilization. After i finish this post i am taking a shower and going to that blockchain meetup event where i am meeting that mysterious dude i ran into in the woods.


If you are curios how the story develops follow me @bescouted.

Also all liquid steem from this post will go for a purchase of Yasuhara Nanoha Macro Lens 5:1 for my camera that has very specific use but produces outstanding results that i have not seen on steemit yet. I can not validate that purchase with my current income, so if you support my pledge i will be sharing very interesting super macro images as this one.

I will make a progress bar for the amount of $499 pledged so you can keep track when i will start uploading those super macros on steemit.

I hope you have enjoyed this long post, let me know if you like them shorter.

Have a great day, i have to run to that meeting.

David aka @bescouted


Life moves in mysterious ways. Technology certainly makes the world "smaller."

Love the forest gym, those weights Fred Flintstone would be proud of. =)

It does, and it gets easier to collide within it :) regarding the forest gym, yes it is a special place. All so crude when compared to modern world. Back to the basics.

A log can weigh just as much as an iron dumbbell, and is much cheaper. The forest has no membership fees, although I guess the mosquitoes might have fees of their own. ;-)

Yes, the mosquitoes took their toll however. I believe that it is smell of sweat that should be abundant there attracts them now, when i thought about it. There is no free lunch... :)

Thanks for the really cool story. That secret gym is kind of neat. In a country so rich in history like Lithuania, who knows what else secret may be lurking in the woods.

Coincidences are most certainly more than just random repetitions. Statistically this doesn't make sense. They happen far too often to be strictly random.

Thanks for the plug and mushroom shots as well. I just posted a new mushroom post literally minutes before stopping by here to read your post and see your mushroom photo. Coincidence???? hmmm???

That's what i am talking about :) I did not now anything about blockchain three weeks ago. Nothing. Nada. Null. yet today i am walking in a park and when i see mushrooms i remember i guy i have never met or even talked to in my life. This did not ever happen in years on fb. Heading to check to check your mushrooms now :) And thanks for randowhale promotion :) And regarding coincidence, are you saying we are living in simulation and this is just a glitch in the matrix? :))

It is destiny! I am telling you :D Best buddies forever! Have fun on the meeting.
But what do you mean about the mosquitoes? They are more mean at the Baltic Sea countries? Viscus little beasts ... I hate them!
But I like those shroomsies :)

What a lens!! I give you my 2 cents for it :D

Actually i am already back. Met him again. Coll guy with a different attitude. Feels like he's trying to sell something sometimes or something, i do not know. But there is something about him. Different :) It also revealed itself he is a photographer too. Well used to be. And he even lives not far from where i do. I find all this very weird today. Lets see what tomorrow brings. Just very unusual experience :) And yeah, that lens is sick lol It is very difficult to use due to magnification, but can produce very interesting results. I do not know if they are more mean, but it still itches lol
Oh and i appreciate your two cents a lot. It is 498.98 then :) Already closer to the goal :)

It is very weird... lock your doors well just in case ;)
Never know with strange forest guys with mosquitoes.

You think he might want to drink my blood too? In that case i will also close the windows and get some garlic lol

Hahaha That would be some story to tell!

Just wondering... told by who?

You? He just wants some blood, that wont kill you ;)

Yeah, right, like i do not watch the movies :)

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