My Curie Story - How @curie upvotes retained me on the platform

in #mycuriestory6 years ago

The ninth day of August, in the year 2016. My first interaction with the STEEM blockchain. Ironically, a photograph of lonely park bench; with autumn leaves in various states of decay, and green growth yet to concede to the power of the ever-changing, ever-present seasons.

For this image, I received a single upvote. That upvote was from myself. It was worth nothing. I had eleven views; and zero engagement. I felt discouraged, I had opened up the posting history of my account with what I felt was one of my best photographs.

It wasn't until May, 2017 when I picked up the STEEM pen again. First, I reposted a review of XCOM: Enemy Within, which was first published on my WordPress blog.

Then I started to finally edit my travel photography, where I received my first @curie upvote. I was absolutely blown away and hooked on the STEEM drug.

Before I go any further, I want to apply some background to my reflections: prior to joining the STEEM blockchain, I've wandered down an eccentric path - without any particular focus. Some dot points of what I've done and achieved in my life to date:

  • A Masters Degree in Visual Art and Design
  • A full time job editing, and writing news and reviews for a (now defunct online publication)
  • I've worked in a museum, taking photographs of insects for an international "living atlas"
  • Traveled from Adelaide, Australia, to the USA, and Europe
  • Applied for a job at a company, without a cover letter
  • Remain employed there almost six years later, with steady career progression

The above is in chronological order. When I took my second tilt at Steemit, nine months after I planted that very first seed, (insert human gestation period pun here) - a point in my life where my career felt like it was approaching a plateau of stagnation.

My creative nerves were singing out for more.

I missed the catharsis of creation and missed my former self. Expression was missing from my life. Yes, there was Facebook, yes there was Instagram, but then; there was Steemit.

It was on my dirge to Pokémon go that I first interacted with highly respected and potent personalities on the platform. Comments from @kaylinart, @acidyo, and of course, another generous upvote from @curie.

From there, I engaged with all my mental facilities.

It is at that point that I lost track of my @curie votes, focusing on content. I wrote a novel straight to steemit (a very, very poor, shitty novel, in retrospect). It didn't matter; I was producing content on a regular basis and feeling good about doing so.

I was also playing games again and enjoying it. I left my previous role as a professional games writer about eight years ago. The catalyst: a falling-out with my then-editor; and suffering from burn out. I was also studying a masters degree and writing a thesis about death. It was a busy time.

For the first time, in a long time, steemit was allowing me to do what I wanted. I was covering content and games that I wanted to write about and didn't have an editorial standard to adhere to. I could say what I wanted, and I didn't give a fuck what the publisher of the title thought.

I then noticed a steep increase in my payouts. I had gotten the attention of @curie again - with my Pillars of Eternity series. I took a satirical take on the game, as a rampaging, chaotic evil dwarf. I died a lot, but I had so much fun, and clearly did, too; the audience.

I know who to thank in these parts - @playfulfoodie and @jodipamungkas; who were standing up and paying attention to my content as @curie gaming curators. Thank you both for your recognition and support.

My Curie Story doesn't end here. My partner in life, @ursa; recently started posting on steemit, and her book reviews have also been lucky enough to earn a @curie upvote.

It extends further, good friend, @nerdfury, has also attracted @curie to his blog on several occasions.

@curie is one of the fundamental reasons I'm still here on the STEEM blockchain. It is a reason why I will continue to produce content that is the best that I can.

Steemit is the reason why I can enjoy games again. It’s the place where I can post something, anything I want, be it rambling, reflections, or scathing criticism of a poorly conceived video game, book, or film.

I'm here now, in a safe space; where I can say what I want - and it will be published. Curie is here to make sure that the unique, intricate and delicately loitering voices of steemit are heard. These undiscovered content creators get the eyes they deserve, based on the actions of @curie and its dedicated team.

Today, I've delegated 100STEEM Power to @curie, following a recent call out for delegation.

I know that they will use it wisely.

About @holoz0r

@holoz0r writes about a vast variety of topics, but tends to focus on gaming, rambling, and the ocassional, insightful, philosophical piece about the universe.

Based in Adelaide, South Australia, @holoz0r is the proud owner of the Steem mobile, a fine beard, and a regular contributor to @steemgc's content team.

He's a writer, gamer, artist, and likes to know how everything works.


Both in 2016.
Still, many of my dearest friends have felt the Curie love, which is even better :)


@curie contributed a running total of
$210.08 in 32 articles to @holoz0r

420 articles have been paid out, meaning curie Upvoted about 7.5% of my content.

Nerdfury on $107.57 from Curie and another $25.77 from me.

Glad you're still here mate. Plus Adelaide would not be the same without your steemit mobile.

very good history and travel have a nice day

unique, intricate and delicately loitering

This is such a cool description XD

I think Curie is responsible for quite a few people sticking around that would have otherwise given up and wandered off after a while :)


Interesting story, I enjoy reading it. Good luck with me like you. Have a good day @holozOr.

I'm missing out on all the Xcom 2 good stuff. I already bought it, having enjoyed the first, but can't play it now lol. Will settle for some news and previews for now from you.

Thanks for sharing your curie story. Cool to know that you got your curie votes writing about gaming :)

This is great to hear.Looks like I have earned about $150 from @Curie and also a lot from @donkeypong. @pharesim and @kaylinart .

Our stories are quite similar in that our creativity needed an outlet and steemit and the hook of curie perfectly connected that! Enjoyable to read 😊

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