My 2018 - This is my Hobby: Growing Healthy Plants

in #my20186 years ago

1.Lilacs East side May 2006.jpg
Lilacs East side May 2006

I started growing plants when I got my first apartment in 1974. I don’t remember where I got the plants from. I had never grown anything before this so I’m not sure why I started.

The plants, coleus and green wandering jews, grew to huge sizes, feet long or across. I was smitten to know that plants would be so happy in my care. I probably spent a disproportionate amount of our tiny income on pots and soil that first year.

Asparagus fern crop June 2016.jpg
Asparagus fern June 2016

As I said, I have been growing things since 1974. I grew house plants for years until I had a house and yard I could grow in. Then I grew flowers in 31 flowerbeds of varying sizes. In 1992 I planted my first vegetable garden. It did so well, it was expanded to twice its size in 1993. In 1995 I started a smaller one for my son. Over the years I’ve added a few flowerbeds, they now total 37. In 2016 I added a huge herb garden. For in the winter, I have 75 house plants to keep me busy.
White Iris East garden May 1987

Every single season, I learn something more about growing. This year I was gifted T5 fixtures and have been astounded at the improvement in growth for the plants under these new lights. I don’t think I would have thought it would be so dramatic, enough to be considering replacing my old T12 lights as I can.

Playing with my hobby is a part of my life here on the farm. The growing season starts in October when I lay out the gardens for the next year. Once the seed orders are made in December, there is a hiatus until my starting season begins on March 1. There’s the occasional job, like putting the biology into every new seed packet that arrives or spending a day figuring out what is getting started on each starting date. Once the first seedlings come up, I check on progress each day and make notes.
First vegetable garden July 1992

I love seeing tiny life emerge from a little speck, sometimes literally dust size. I love figuring out what each plant prefers for growing conditions and trying to provide them. It brings a little bit of happiness each morning when I go down and see how much they’ve grown since the day before.

Working out in the gardens is something I crave, especially at this time of year. To bring order to chaos, to prepare nice beds for little seedlings to grow in, to amend the soil so it can nourish the plants are all things I take pleasure in. crop.July.03.jpg

Having my hands in the soil, sitting on the ground working the beds, soaking up sunshine, and being grounded all contribute to my feeling of well being.

Growing things is challenging because you have to work with Mother Nature. Sometimes she has a tantrum and you have to work around that. Tiny plants are delicate and it does not take much to stress them. Being mindful of this when you are exhausted and trying to finish a job can be hard.

New Herb garden3 crop Aug. 2017.jpg
New Herb garden August 2017

Growing things is a priority here on the farm. During the season, it does take time away from other activities. I have much less time to spend on family and friends from April into November. So I just have to make it up during the slow time in winter.

I am very lucky in that growing things is my job on the farm. I do what I love. I am my own boss; I decide what I am going to do each day. Not having to answer to someone takes away lot of stress.

Roundtop window plants crop Feb. 2017.jpg
Roundtop window February 2017

My hobby is expensive. Because I want the best health for my plants, I spend a lot of money on the best seed, soil, and amendments. Once those are bought, there is little expense except gas for hauling in mulch off and on during the season.

Because I spend so much for growing things, there is not much left over for recreation or gifting. Most of our clothing comes from BuyNothing or tag sales. We live very frugally but we eat very well!

17.East Shed - Tulips2 May 07.jpg
East Shed garden May 2007

Levels of Expertise

An amateur is someone learning about how things grow, just starting out, or not real interested in the meat and bones of a truly healthy soil and garden. They grow plants that may produce, but not well, often with disease and pest problems.

An adept is someone often referred to as “a green thumb”. They have the gift of making plants thrive. They know what the plants need for health and how to provide it. Perhaps they can also advise outside their own geographic area.

Rose in the South Herb garden June 2002

An expert is someone who has been growing things a long time, completely understands all the biology and nutrient needs of soil and plants, probably educated about growing things, and can advise over many geographic areas.

I think being an adept or an expert means having some innate skill and some learning. I know if I had more money and materials my growing would jump forward. But this would not make me an expert, as I could not tell someone in Arizona what they might need to grow things well.

Big Garden - Hollyhocks, kale, leeks, mesclun, calendula, zinnias crop2 Aug. 2015.jpg
Big vegetable garden August 2015

I don’t think there’s a single other thing more important than growing the best food I can. I feel that growers of food should be the top of the pyramid; that they should be encouraged to grow the best food in the healthiest soil they can husband.

I know that having the best food from the healthiest soil would eliminate most of the disease and illness in people and animals. I know that creating the healthiest soil is the one best thing that can be done for the planet’s health. I know pursuing my hobby on my little piece of heaven creates a better ecology here.

Pothos2 crop Jan. 2018.jpg
Pothos January 2018

So I teach what I have learned, sharing the information and my passion for healthy plants and soils. Someone once took time with me and taught me what I needed to know. Now I pay it forward, sharing what I know so that someone, and their plants, can have a healthier life.

9.West maple with dianthus June 2006.jpg
West maple with dianthus June 2006


Your garden is lovely.

Gardening has health components which allows 'playing in the dirt' to nourish our souls. I expect that may explain why Adam and Eve initially enjoyed the perfect garden.

Best regards.


I love gardening as well and all things that flower! I got the leaf love from my Momma. We always had house plants growing up and I always wanted to water them. She used to have me shine the leaves with mixed water and mayo. Boy would they shine. I would plan to turn them every time I dusted so they would stay shaped right. Now that we are on our farm I find myself starting all my flower beds over. It is exciting but I sure do miss some of the 1000 things I have planted previously. Your gardens and plants are beautiful. I have been looking for other plant lovers to follow :)

I like that "leaf love". I could not imagine moving from here, after all the work I've put into the beds, gardens and soil. But your farm is really gorgeous! How many acres do you have?

It was very hard saying goodbye to 15 years of work but I wanted to get to our farm. It was harder moving plants and bulbs to vacant land and moving out of the country for a while. I doubted I would have anything when we returned but I was surprised. We have 112 acres here and about 1/2 is woods which I thoroughly enjoy. Thank you for all your sweet compliments. I have so much work to do here and so much to learn how to do but I am really excited about it. Your farm is gorgeous as well. It seems like you have it all figured out and I so want to be there :)

We've been over 30 years getting "there" so don't get impatient! LOL

Oh, if I could have 112 acres! No nasty neighbors on each side. We had planned to buy at least 1 of the pieces abutting us, but chronic illness intervened...

So we work to make our little piece the best we can.

Mira Mountain we live on was for sale about 10 years ago and never sold. In 2007 it was split into 5 parcels. We were living in Tennessee and only visiting Chad's family here but knew we wanted to live here one day. We had been looking for 10 or so acres for several years when we found this property. We were able to purchase one parcel of 28 acres. Over the next 10 years we were able to buy 4 of the 5 parcels. The last parcel is owned by a neighbor up the road and across the street. He didn't want someone to build across from him on a hill and be able to look over at him :) He takes very good care of it and is actually the man who invited me to the Rocky Bottom Sampling. He is a Certified Master Naturalist and has converted his property to a Wildlife Habitat. He has given us first right of refusal when he is ready to sell. His grown children are not interested in the property so hopefully one day it will be ours. My Husband is the one who kept wanting to expand. It seems like a lot to take care of but we have a couple of farmers who take the hay so they mow for free and we are just making small projects as we go. About half the acreage is wooded, so we are just working on cleaning up the downed trees that will burn in our furnace or fireplace. The deer fence and garden is our priority now. My soil is going to be a work in progress. I just hope it is ok this year and yields me some goodies. I love being up here all alone! We have friends that love to come and visit and they never want to go anywhere, just hang out here on the porch ususally so that really fills my heart knowing we can share and they enjoy. I hope to have enough flowers growing one day soon to take bouquets to a nearby nursing home. It breaks my heart seeing so many that never have visitors or get mail or receive surprises. That is a giveback goal, anyway. Man, I could talk to you all day. I am so glad to find you :) my new cyber friend. I hope you have a beautiful day and I hope it is filled with smiles and laughter!

That is sooo coool about your neighbor! I wish one of ours was like that.

Regarding the soil, now is the time to do soil testing, to get a baseline. I gardened for a lot of years w/o soil testing, and I made an unholy mess of the soil, adding things absolutely not needed and not things crucially needed. Never knew how bad it was until that first test. Now I've spent 7 years fixing the mess... I strongly recommend using Logan Labs and creating a custom mix just for your garden. Takes a bit of learning, but I've made 2 posts on how to do it, with a 3rd final one to come.

I have a friend who bought a house on the top of a mountain, and when we go visit, we just sit on the porch and look, and look, and look.... It's so peaceful and quiet there. I don't know how she brings herself to leave for work each morning....

I also am delighted to have met you! I just LOVE your photos of your place. I am looking forward to sharing things with you. :)

I do need to check on a soil test, for sure. Thank you! I am so glad to have met you too. We are so happy and blessed here on the mountain. Thank you for all of your kind comments. I am equally excited to sharing things with you too.

Goodness gracious! That picture of the big vegetable garden in 2015 looks like a garden right straight out of a fairy tale book! I’d l o v e to stroll through your gardens!

In May they are gorgeous, the best time on the farm. They are a lot of work, but I can't think of a better way to spend my time than improving the soil and health of my plants. Such a worthwhile investment. Plus I get pretty gardens to look at!

I love all your gardens!!

You said "It brings a little bit of happiness each morning when I go down and see how much they’ve grown since the day before"
THIS is exactly my feeling! I try to convey this to some of our clients and they just think I'm crazy. But it brings such peace and zen to go out, see what's growing, see what needs some help, see what might need dividing.

Can't wait for this current snow storm to be the LAST storm of the season!!

I have never been a fan of gardening but my dad is one! He does some of your activities daily! I think that maybe when I decide to settle down I will have my own garden and I will take care of it :)

Thanks for joinining the contest, the winners will be announced in a few days :)

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