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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

Who is Jesus? According to Christian beliefs that are developing now, he is a child of God who has a mother named Maria, a virgin who suddenly becomes pregnant and has a baby.

Based on some literature, Jesus has several different names. In Hebrew, he is called Jeshua. The Latin language mentions the Messias, Indonesian Muslims call him Prophet Isa, and if in the Qur'an he calls Isa al-Masih or Masihubnu Maryam.

By Christians, Jesus was called by their Lord. This belief is based on the concept of theology (divinity) trinity. What is trinity? It is a theological model which says that God is one but consists of three persons. In Christianity, those three people are God (the father of the father), Jesus (the god of children), and the Holy Spirit (angel). Jesus was put in the position of being tangible with God, as did the Holy Spirit. So the three of them are considered as gods, because it has become a unity with the original god, namely God.

Before using Christianity, trinity theology has been used by various paganism religions that first developed in the Middle East, Egypt, Asia Minor, Greece, Germany and Scandinavia. In India there is Hindu Trimurti which has Brahma (father), Lord Shiva (child), and Lord Vishnu (chaster). In Persia there is the Stauda religion with the worship of Ahura (god of the father), Stauda (god of children), and Mithra (god of light). In Egypt, Oziris (father of the father) gave birth to Horus and married to Isis. In Asia Minor there was Phrygia's trust with Cybele as the god of the father, Attis the son of God (Cybele's incarnation), and Nana, a virgin who accompanied Attis. In Greece there is a myth of the marriage of Erebos (god of darkness) with Nyx (goddess of the night). They have children named Gods Aether and Hemera. Then in Germany, the Aryans worshiped God Wodan, Hius (son of Wodan), and Sirius alias Friga (Hius's mother). And, in Scandinavia known as Odin, who gave birth (as well as his incarnation), he came down to the world to make a man named Tura. In addition there is Dewi Firri (goddess of holiness) as the third god.

Before using Christianity, trinity theology has been used by various paganism religions that first developed in the Middle East, Egypt, Asia Minor, Greece, Germany and Scandinavia. In India there is Hindu Trimurti which has Brahma (father), Lord Shiva (child), and Lord Vishnu (chaster). In Persia there is the Stauda religion with the worship of Ahura (god of the father), Stauda (god of children), and Mithra (god of light). In Egypt, Oziris (father of the father) gave birth to Horus and married to Isis. In Asia Minor there was Phrygia's trust with Cybele as the god of the father, Attis the son of God (Cybele's incarnation), and Nana, a virgin who accompanied Attis. In Greece there is a myth of the marriage of Erebos (god of darkness) with Nyx (goddess of the night). They have children named Gods Aether and Hemera. Then in Germany, the Aryans worshiped God Wodan, Hius (son of Wodan), and Sirius alias Friga (Hius's mother). And, in Scandinavia known as Odin, who gave birth (as well as his incarnation), he came down to the world to make a man named Tura. In addition there is Dewi Firri (goddess of holiness) as the third god.
Well, these beliefs were suspected of giving influence to some Christians in those days, so they followed suit with the concept of trinity theology. But not all Christians are like that. Some of them are still steadfast in Unitarian theology (God is the only God).

These two groups are as big. The unitarian group was led by Arius (256-336 AD). While the trinitarian group (trinity theology) was led by Athanasius (293-373 AD).

Both are mutually hostile, like to fight, so that the Roman State gets chaotic. Realize that reality, Emperor Constantine (280-337 AD) who was a paganist and was in power at that time, attended the Council (grand assembly) at Nicea in 325 AD. , he inspired the homousius concept. The two leaders of the group interpret the concept with different meanings. Arius nafsirin with: Jesus is very close to God. But Athanasius has another interpretation, Jesus is being entangled with God, so he is God.

Pascakoncili, Arius followers are not satisfied with the results of Koncili Nicea. They continue to fight. Until the time of Emperor Theodorus the Great, it was made by the Second Ecumenical Koncili in Constantinople. Because he was anti-Arius, then Koncili was firmly Netepin that the child (Jesus) was manifest with the father (Allah), and the Holy Spirit was formulated with Allah. God is considered to have three forms, but all three become one form. Now, since then Christianity with the theology of trinity has been officially declared a legitimate religion in Rome. Whoever is against will be eliminated.

And really, a new institution was formed specifically for this work. Its name is Institution of Acquisition. Finally, Arius's followers were slaughtered or expelled from Rome. Their books were burned. Among them fled to other countries. Currently Arius teachings still exist, but the numbers are very small. Only in the form of hidden small sects. Very far if compared to Trinitarian Christians.

That is the history of why Christianity that has developed in the world today has Jesus, having a trinity concept. It turned out that it happened because of the influence of pagan religion and the role of pagan Roman rulers. Tragic indeed. So thankful we are Muslims, the istiqamah holds the concept of monotheism, the purity of the holy book is guaranteed by Allah SWT, and is promised a victory in the world and a place of return in the form of heaven. God knows well. [IB]

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