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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

HISTORY can happen brutally, boring, and at the same time interesting, it all depends on who the people are doing. But did you know that some of the most important and most horrific events in human history are the result of small inconceivable mistakes and sometimes just accidental results.

A number of major events in history are also associated with a number of small events that began.

Here are the little things that can change the history of the world quoted from the page and

  1. Penicillin was discovered by chance

Penicillin antibiotics are the first and most important antibiotics that can be effective against bacterial infections. However, the story of his discovery is also quite amazing.

It turned out that a Scottish scientist named Alexander Fleming was experimenting with staphylococcus, then he went on vacation for two weeks. Interestingly he left staphylococcus in a Petri dish.

  1. Safety Glass was created accidentally

Safety laminated glass was accidentally discovered by French chemist Edouard Benedictus.

He found a safety glass after a laboratory accident when he discovered a laboratory glass was not broken into pieces after being coated with cellulose nitrate plastic. Now, safety laminated glass is used in cars and houses that have glass partitions. When he returned, he witnessed one of the most amazing events in the history of medicine. He noticed that staphylococcus was contaminated with green blue fungus from an open window, more importantly bacteria could not grow near the fungus.

  1. One key lost can actually save Titanic

David Blair was a sailor of a merchant ship who was appointed White Star Line shipping company in 1912 as the second officer of the Titanic. He participated in a trial of the most luxurious ship cruise of his time.

A few days before the voyage, Blair was replaced by a more senior sailor, Henry Wilde.

In a hurry to leave, Blair intentionally carries the ship's locker locker key. Inside are binoculars, which, if used, might prevent the Titanic tragedy which killed 1,500 people. Some people suspect that the missing key will change the course of history that day. However, not everyone is sure.

Because, if indeed binoculars are vital objects, the crew can damage the locker or look for other binoculars.

Moreover, there are many theories about the end of the Titanic. Even so, many people still consider the key historical value. The object was sold in the auction in 2010 for US $ 137 thousand.

  1. The biggest fire in California is the fault of a missing person

In 2003, the biggest fire in California history known as the Cedar fire burned 3,200 square kilometers of land in San Diego, causing property damage worth 27 million dollars and killing around 15 people.

The fire was actually caused by a hunter named Sergio Martinez, who got lost while hunting. He lit a fire to signal to the savior, but the unusual environmental conditions made the fire burn bigger and bigger

  1. Power outages in New York

A popular myth emerged that the extinction in the US Northeast Region in 1965, which affected 30 million people, caused a spike in the birth rate which increased nine months later.

Meanwhile, many have linked the 1977 blackout in New York to the popularity of hip-hop. On July 13, 1977, most of New York City and its surroundings were affected by a power outage.

That happened when the city nicknamed the Big Apple was affected by the fiscal crisis, experienced a severe heat wave, and was under the threat of David Berkowitz, aka Son of Sam - serial killer.

Tension also increases. As many as 31 settlements were victims of looting and vandalism. Among looters, there are many DJs and 'b-boys' who see power cuts as a golden opportunity to "acquire" new sound processing equipment.

Hip-hop has actually been around for several years. However, its development is limited, it is still limited in small communities. After a power outage, there appeared 'a thousand new DJs'.

  1. Almost no East India Company (East India Company)

Robert Clive, a governor general of Bengal at the East India Company, was one of the people responsible for the establishment of an East India company.

He led the battle against French troops and came out with victory, which later proved to be the most important victory for the company. In fact, Robert Clive tried to commit suicide when he was 19 years old, but failed, and later became one of the most prominent figures in the company.

  1. Napoleon barely became a Frenchman

Napoleon was a French military and political leader, famous during the French revolution, and led several successful campaigns.

Because of his outstanding achievements, brave personality, and invincible influence in the world, he remains one of the most famous and controversial figures in human history.

But none of this would have happened had he not been French, and according to historians he was hardly a Frenchman. The island that belonged to him, became the island of France three months before the birth of Napoleon.

  1. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed because of misunderstood words

One of the misinterpreted words that pushed the president's decision Harry S. Truman ordered to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

When the reporter asked the Japanese Prime Minister "Kantaro Suzuki" about Potsdam's statement to give up unconditionally during World War II, he replied with the word "Mokusatsu", which means "no comments".

Unfortunately, the word has many meanings and some people translate it with "we ignore the declaration". About 10 days later the bomb was dropped.

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