
This question is so tricky because we don't know how going back in time works. While many scientists have theorized about this idea, we still have no idea if going back in time and doing so little as stepping on a butterfly on accident could change the fate of the human race. But let's say time didn't work like that, and you could change major events without having too much of an effect on the future. If time was more like that, I would probably try to go back to as many places as possible, and warn people of scams. Most people would probably respond with wanting to stop a catastrophic event like 9/11, but these catastrophic events and what we do after them is what defines us as humans. If it weren't for these events, we would not have set up half the saftey measures we have today. Scams are relatively small compared to the grand scheme of things, so this shouldn't have too much of an effect on human history. It would save people money, but everyone would forget about it eventually and it wouldn't change too much.

If I had the opportunity to change one event in human history, it will be the Sosoliso Airlines crash that happened in my country 22 Oct 2005. It was so painful. Till date, it still remains the most fatal plane crash in the history of Nigeria killing 108 passengers on board the plan mostly children going home to their families including a very popular Pastor Bimbo. Only two people survived the crash. The painful part is that the cause of the crash is still unknown. It was a very painful moment for all Nigerians. So, yeah, if I had the opportunity the change or stop that awful crash, I would gladly do it without blinking


Honestly, history is filled with so much dreadful events that it's really hard to decide which one to prevent. The tragedy is seen everywhere in history. We've had millions of people died because of political, ethnic and even religious wars, famines have wiped out whole populations, Tsunamis, floods and earthquakes just to name a few. But these are all those events that have directly affected people's lives. Calamities have also been seen in other very important aspects of life. Rulers have burnt libraires, a treasure of human intellect and religious and ethnic fanatics have hanged open minded and free thinking scholars.

Looking at all these horrible events in the history it's very hard to decide which one is the most dreadful. I mean how can we compare a tragedy with a tragedy. So, I am sorry but I can't pick just one such tragedy and say this should be changed. But, what we all can do is prevent such things from happening in the future.

Thanks for reading!

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