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RE: Musing Posts

That's possible and many have done it.My point is straight, you have to burn the stored fat in your body by daily routines.
The energy you spend for your daily activities would come from the food you eat. If you consume more calories than you spend then you would bulge. Btw calorie is the measure of energy required to do certain work.
Since your aim is to become thinner then you should stop consuming carbs and start taking foods rich in proteins. Carbs are high source of energy.
When you take proteins it doesn't actually give you energy so the energy you spend would come out of the stored fats.
DO's :
Take enough amount of proteins( no of grams of proteins you take<you weight in kg)
Take clean carbs and in scarce amount.
If your daily work doesn't involve any physical work then you should do cardio in the form of running or dancing.
Home workouts would boost your slimming activity.

Don't take sugary products at all. A piece of cake would ruin your 5-6 days workout.
Don't consume diary products.
Direct fat should be highly avoided.
Don't eat food fried in oil and outside foods should not be taken.

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