
Definitely football.

I've been watching football for a long time and I can tell you that no game has the ability to generate in me the kind of passion and adrenaline rush that football generates.

It is one of the most popular, if not the most popular, sports on earth. It is also extremely lucrative and has propelled a lot of struggling youths that would otherwise have been outcasts to the very top of success.

Of course you can argue that a lot of sports do this too and you'd be right, so I'm going to tell you the peculiar reasons why football is my number one sport:

1. I'll start by admitting that I was rasied on football. My parents my whole extended family, including my mother, all loved the sport. And growing up first thing I learned about football is its ability to unite a family, people of a city, a state, and an entire country.

Oh my country has gone through a lot of tough patches, and is still going through them, including a brutal case of seccesion in the Biafra War where a lot of people lost their lives.

But when football comes on. When the national team plays, the WHOLE country unites! The brotherhood becomes so strong, that you'd think we all have the same collective brain. We stand by each other and encourage each other. If our team should fall behind we rally around them and around each other; we give each other hope.

And you start to see the beauty in it and wonder why we can't be like this every single day!

And if the team loses you'll see a man from the north consoling a man from the south, and everyone engrossed in the same uniform sadness. We feel each other's pain, and in that pain we learn to love each other--all because of football.

2. Uniting the whole world. Another beauty of football is that it has the ability not only to unite people from the same country, but people from ALL OVER the world!

It's remarkable any way you choose to look at it. The FIFA World Cup is the largest event in sports. It's one of the event with the highest congregation of humans around the world, and it is a beauty to see.

In the same city you find folks from all over the continent, with different race, ethnicity and creed, all coming together to support their countries, and then uniting with others--even those not from their country- - in that support.

Isn't that just remarkable? You see people different from you on three grounds of color, race, height, preference etc, but you don't see any difference at all, all you see is someone with the same passion as you, wanting to support his country as much as you want to support yours. And you not only understand that, you admire it! You unite over it!

You don't believe me? Ask anyone who attended or watched the recently concluded world cup in Russia. A friend of mine who attended can't stop telling me about the different beautiful ways of life he learnt from his Mexican friends and Russian Friends and Brazillian friends he met over there. He even cooks Russian food now!

3. Immense pain and joy. I'd be lying if I said as a football fan it will all be a rosy journey. Because truth is IT WILL NOT. Oh you'll be heartbroken. You will feel the pain of your team losing. And it is such a huge pain, I tell you, to have your team lose a final, or come back from two goals down only to lose at penalties. All these are remarkably painful and heartbreaking, but that's what makes it interesting. The hurt is what makes life worth it. Without the pain and hurt you can never learn to appreciate life's joy and happiness.

Oh and there is a lot of joy and happiness in football, way more than the pain and hurt. The joy and happiness you know when your team comes back from two goals down, when your team scores a last second winner, absolutely terrifi . I've experienced this joy and I tell you there's simply nothing like it!

4. And lastly, I love football because it is a game of endless possibilities. The underdog can upset the giant. Nobody can be written off. A team can come back from a five goal deficit. And all these I take as the game's commentaries on life, telling us we can achieve anything, even if life is against us. Even if we're the underdogs, even if we've failed a million times.

Football shows us that as long as we believe, and keep trying, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.


Growing up in Western Europe it is probably not surprising that my first answer to the question football is. Like most boys, I grew up ball at the foot and I was only 6 six when I joined the local youth of the professional team.

On days without training, living pretty close to the ground, I was mostly found playing on any of the pitches, or watching the pros train. One of the biggest bonuses of being a member of the youth setup was that we had free entry to all games and thus at young age already I was used to standing on the terraces and shouting my team forward. Nothing as moving as multiple thousands of fans doing the same.

Both schools I attended during K12 also had 5-a-side goals and every break was spent kicking a ball. Yet, in secondary, I started to discover new sports as we regularly played basketball, handball, and especially volleyball.

As I grew up, being somebody focused on the team strength, I came to like volleyball always more and when it comes to actively participating then volleyball is definitely my preferred sport.

The reason for that?

In volleyball you are only as good as the weakest link in the team and that’s a component of the game which I particularly like.

Yet, contrarily to football, I only rarely watch volleyball when it’s on TV. Football though, football - and especially the Champions League now - keeps me up at night now I live in Asia and don’t benefit favorable kick-off times anymore. And yes, in some hours when most Asians are asleep, I will be watching two Champions League games.

The beautiful game is back.

It's got to be football for me.

I have always loved the round leather object since I was little. It's a sport where I get to showcase my abilities. For me, football has always been a way of unwinding, alllowing nature to take its course through me.

I can't exactly say why I love playing football but it's been something I've been doing since I was probably four or five.

I remember growing as a kid. I used to play football from afternoon when I returned from school till late in the evening. My mates always loved me playing with them because of the skills I had and I never got tired.

Even if there were sets of people and I had played in each set (with close to an hour for each set), I never got tired.

Then, we had a football field which we shared with the adults. We would come early enough (during the holidays) like around 9am. We will play till probably 12pm and then the adults would come to chase us away. I always stayed back and sometimes they'd use me as a goalie.

Well, as time went by, my grades started dropping and my reports began showing that I was too playful. My dad then stopped me from playing.

It was some few years later that I picked up interest in watching football. Cristiano Ronaldo was and still remains my idol when football is concerned. I learned to do his 'one-legged' step over.

This was far back 2006/2007. My love for football has only increased. I dont play as much as I'd love to but I'm a very big fan of the clubs that Ronaldo has played for.

Thanks to Steemit, I now blog about football. It's something that comes natural with me.

Football is more than sport to me. It's a way of life.

I know many don't really consider this as a real sport but the only sport I am close to being interested is "E-sports" specifically the game DOTA2.

I am a self-proclaimed gamer and spend most of my weekends playing DOTA2. I'm honestly not that good but it helps me unwind and relieve my stress accumulated during the weekdays. 

Because of my love for DOTA2, I now enjoy watching live tournaments and their replays. And seriously who would have thought that the prize pool for a game would now be over $40Million+ just for playing some games. It's still a blooming sport and I for one think that it will someday be recognized internionally. :)

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"Soccer is something more than watching a ball rolling, it's a passion", this phrase has accompanied me throughout my life, I got tired of fighting with my parents everyday because they said it was an obsession, they didn't understand that my "Consuming Soccer" in any form at any time was more than a teenage whim, with time and my maturity towards the sport they understood that it would be part of my life, that for me soccer is like a platonic love, inteligible, beyond of the physical.

There is a question that people ask us when we are children. Which came firts, the chicken or the egg?, I would add one more option and it is my love for the soccer and the Real Madrid, the best team of 20th century and they nowadays continue it demonstrating Champions after Champions. To me watch them winning is like if I would win the lottery, that happiness is incomparable, but without reaching fanaticism, I have learned to enjoy soccer regardless of the color of the shirt.

With the passage of time you begin to realize that those who make their living in a field are very lucky and only a small percentage, the rest of us have to find our place and mine is definitely being a DT (coach) or an sport analyst. I hope to start building my legacy so soon.

If you ask me why I love it so much, sometimes I won't know what to tell you, I think it was a first sight love.

I love to share my history, thanks for asking that.

Basketball has been my life all through out. I have dedicated most of my time spending playing it. I woke up every dawn to keep myself healthy, jogging, keep the ball rollin, and practice dribbling skills before going to play in the morning. I have been scolded a lot of times by my parents and even in school but as we say "Ball is life", I have done whatever it is just to fulfill my passion for playing it.

One reason why I fell in love with Basketball is because it is the country's number one sport. Basketball is treated as "religion" here in our country. Almost everyone knows how to play it and it is present in almost all areas. You can literally play wherever you want.

I am now one of the top players in our area and I can say, if I work harder I can even get there. I'm more on going to a path where I love and I'm happy I fell in love with Basketball.

Football is not much popular here in our country but I love it. Football is a highly strategic game that needs everyone to participate in the attack. In football, it is absolutely absurd to rely on just a player. Everyone can attest that during the Fifa World Cup 2018 where Messi Stumbles with no help from his team.

I love Football because the passion is there. You can feel the love of the game. It is a number one sport because it needs a thorough process to make your team a champion. It is the greatest sport business. 

In a country that falls in love so much with basketball, I just enjoyed myself watching Premier League, Laliga, Bundesliga and Serie A games. Champions League is the thing I never miss. Football is indeed in my veins despite having so much trouble in it in our country, I still strive hard to watch for it.

You mean favourite sport, I am doing? Or sport, I'm just watching over TV? I'm a cycler, so that would be my favourite sport. Why? Because you can be a tourist plus you can do a lot for your health in the same time. You can see a lot around you, feel the surroundings, the can not do that with a car or motorcycle. But on TV, I watch only soccer - European or World cup. And while I watch it, I usually make some bets too :)  

Well I'm a Canadian so in order to keep my citizenship there is only one answer I can give:


No other explanation required. No other so called sport even comes close




1. Strengthens all muscles

There are not many types of sports that can tighten all parts of the body without having to spend a day at the fitness center. By swimming, not only the back and hands muscles are getting stronger, but also the part of the torso (core) is trained. All can be done without the need to lift body weight.

2. Low impact

Swimming is a low impact sport that is suitable for those who have just recovered from an injury and want to rebuild strength. If running becomes your favorite sport, then swimming is the right choice the next day so your knees can be carved.

3. Make a long life

A study shows that this sport can be a way to extend life. Swimmers have a 50 percent lower risk of death than those who are passively alive or never exercising.

4. Fun

Swimming is a type of exercise that burns lots of calories without sweating. Although not children, playing water in the pool will also make us feel more free and happy.

Here's my Joke: My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.

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