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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

Do you think surrendering to your spouse is a good thing to do in relationships?

Once you get married, there will be lots of difference in opinion between husband and wife. Do you think it is good to surrender yourself completely to your spouse and accept whatever they do?


Surrendering to your spouse is not a bad idea in a relationship. What you need to discover is how often your spouse dim it fit to make you surrender. If you are in a relationship that your spouse always want to have the day in every argument without reasining with you then its an error to keep on surrendering especially when you know that you are 100% right.

Relationship is a give and take matter. Both parties have to always put into consideration the happiness of one another.

Sometimes you have to surrender to make peace. When one is hot the other should be cool in other to complement each other but consistence surrendering will make one have no say in the relatiinship. Its good to know when to surrender and when not to. Just don't be egocentric in dealing with your spouse. Walk together in peace.

It is good to be willng to make sacrifices in a relationship but i do not think that it is healthy for one to always surrender to our partner and accept whatever they do,relationships should contain true love,there should be mutual respect among the partners and they should be able to talk to each other and correct each other...

No, it should be a balance. That's how it is in my relationship. A balance means, that sometimes you should surrender to your spouse, and sometimes your spouse needs to surrender to you. If one of both has to always surrender to the other, he/she will feel oppressed and unhappy in the long run.

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