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RE: Tv Show and Music from Way Back Challenge! Day One

in #musicwaybackchallenge6 years ago (edited)

Wow 7 days worth? Not sure if spam or easy money... lol

I might get a day or two done, I barely post as IS, but well.. wow, 7 days? My witness hairs are on end about mixing copyrighted material and serial posting... Hrmmmm

Moral dilemma - do I rise to the challenge or be wary of all things my witness peers and I would squirm over about this challenge.

Hrm. The future is uncertain.

Also, until this christmas when whim made me buy one, I had not owned or watched a television since probably the time of my divorce in 2003. Before that I also didnt watch the ones my exwife and daughter were often glued to. I am kinda anti-television.

I do listen to music but... hrm... copyrights, radio station operator, laws, licenses.

I got real mixed emo about this.


That response in itself is a post! I will not get offended if you don't take the challenge. Not everyone is as brave as me!

I See your reverse psychology thing going on there :)

OK, I might do the music, but can it be seven songs in one post? I would probably offend all my auto-votes (not that them not reading and just auto-voting isn't a little insulting in and of itself...) if I did seven posts like this in a week.

I'm torn. I love to share music. I run a radio station and respect artist royalty rights.


One post is a good idea! I think we can bend the rules for you!

Alright, Now I have to try and remember songs I liked from more than 3 days back in time.

Don't the artists get paid every time the video is played? That's what I always thought....

LOL no, almost all the copyrighted content on youtube is breaking the law. There are exceptions, labels that publish, etc, but in general yeah. It's essentially all stolen.

Well dang it man.

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