
Hello @vincentnijman, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

I appreciate that a lot :>)

Have a great day!


Ah so cool to see how this came together Thank you Vincent <3
My first reaction was surprise, as the track channeled a vibe of safety and easy - but since I have read your description of going for the opposite out of - let us call them cosmic reasons - I totally LOVE what you have done with it, following that elusive intuition and heart path.

Artists cannot allow themselves to get too comfortable and this is a series of images I would not have chosen as the musician who wrote the piece. Once again, your will to discover and try out new things speaks volumes to your mission, congrats <3

Thank you for choosing my track and for making it accessible to your lovely readers and watchers. Always go with the heart. I guess I will need some material from you soon and make a track for it that you didn't expect for it ahahahaha.

Much love my Vincent, and happy continued travels. <3

Hi there,

Your late reply made me sweat a little but, then again, I just followed the cosmos aka my heart so I knew you would understand.

I'm a different person than I used to be - although, this person has always been there - just repressed ( or should I say depressed?) a little too often.

Thank you for choosing my track and for making it accessible to your lovely readers and watchers. Always go with the heart. I guess I will need some material from you soon and make a track for it that you didn't expect for it ahahahaha.

You're very welcome, my friend! And yeah, I like that challenge of sending some footage to you for an unexpected track, haha. I'll definitely keep that offer in mind :>)

<3 Vincent

We make one hell of a team dude, high five!

ahhh finally got to see this! awesome! i guess she never made it to the shore....

we need to collaborate one day

I won't spoil it here but if you're ever interested in reading the 40 page screenplay, just let me know.

we need to collaborate one day

I can't wait! :>)

Really good music video Vincent. The mystery of the video went well with the music.

That worked out really well! Yay for the right signals XD Did it scratch the itch for a bit or you have more plans or looking for more things to make films with now? :)


I like the mystery behind it all. Lots of whys. It keeps you wanting to find out what happened in the end but even then there are still questions. The music is nice too. It does add to the suspense.


I love 'whys' in movies! If there's something I can't stomach, it's when all questions are answered at the end of a film, without letting the audience do any thinking. The music is pretty cool indeed @paradigmprospect is a skilled guy

I love movies like that too like Inception and Memento. Somebody mentioned to me Annihilation (2008) but I have not seen it yet.

I still haven't seen Inception. It was hyped so much that I didn't get myself to see it :>)

There are lots of movies that I missed. Would be a comfort if I say I haven't seen Black Panther? lol!

Haha! I remember a little over 3000 movies that I've seen but I must have seen 5000 to 6000. In other words, I missed millions of movies ;>)

Really good music video Vincent. The mystery of the video went well with the music.

Gracias hombre! I'm glad you liked it. I think it did go pretty well myself :>)

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