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RE: My First Music Video - A somewhat secret Improv on music by @Paradigmprospect

Ah so cool to see how this came together Thank you Vincent <3
My first reaction was surprise, as the track channeled a vibe of safety and easy - but since I have read your description of going for the opposite out of - let us call them cosmic reasons - I totally LOVE what you have done with it, following that elusive intuition and heart path.

Artists cannot allow themselves to get too comfortable and this is a series of images I would not have chosen as the musician who wrote the piece. Once again, your will to discover and try out new things speaks volumes to your mission, congrats <3

Thank you for choosing my track and for making it accessible to your lovely readers and watchers. Always go with the heart. I guess I will need some material from you soon and make a track for it that you didn't expect for it ahahahaha.

Much love my Vincent, and happy continued travels. <3


Hi there,

Your late reply made me sweat a little but, then again, I just followed the cosmos aka my heart so I knew you would understand.

I'm a different person than I used to be - although, this person has always been there - just repressed ( or should I say depressed?) a little too often.

Thank you for choosing my track and for making it accessible to your lovely readers and watchers. Always go with the heart. I guess I will need some material from you soon and make a track for it that you didn't expect for it ahahahaha.

You're very welcome, my friend! And yeah, I like that challenge of sending some footage to you for an unexpected track, haha. I'll definitely keep that offer in mind :>)

<3 Vincent

We make one hell of a team dude, high five!

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