Bass in this place AND that place too, DOUBLE HEADER Part 2 of 3 featuring: a second Taco-drunk performance for Taco Surf's taco-eating drunks. Mini contest too!

in #musician7 years ago (edited)

After departing our first performance at Brea Olinda High School, me and the guys in #SteelParade head out to our second performance of the day. We are performing at Taco Surf in Sunset Beach, California. It's in Orange County and on the famous PCH (Pacific Coast Highway).

The GIF below features the two broadcast thumbnails that contain our performances at Taco Surf. The first performance broadcast is called, "Live music by people drunk from fish tacos." Click on the title to see the entire broadcast or scroll down to my highlights and skip around to specific song locations in the broadcast.

By the way, click on the following link to see my previous post featuring our first performance at Brea Olinda:

Musician Tip:

  • Eat before you are scheduled to setup your equipment.

  • Don't expect your client to feed you.

  • Beer doesn't help you sing.


New Camera Lens:

I use a mobile device most of the time. I have a computer, but this phone has become a necessary tool for perpetuating my standard of living. Oh and it was fucking expensive so I want to make it pay for itself too.

Anyway, I have a new fisheye lens. The camera is already awesome, but I've always wanted to have a wide angle look too. I finally found a lens kit in the clearance section of a surf shop!

Shopping Tip: Always look through the clearance sections first. Most stores place the clearance section in the back. Many shopping locations have clearance items on the back end-caps of the rows.
The collage below features images of the lens, its baggy, the box it came in and some flowers I had in my pocket. I hope it looks good in the "night mode" view some people use.

I bought a kit that contains a clip-on camera lens that holds a swappable macro and a wide angle lens. The GIF below features the view with the new camera angle.

Get a good look at those instruments and the stage area thanks to my new wide angle lens!

1st Broadcast's Highlights:

These performance highlights will also feature the new camera lens. I used it for the entire broadcast.

  • Music starts at 02:05! Click on that number to go to see it on Periscope. We play a new original song to start the night's music.
  • Our next song at 07:06 is an oldie but goody called, "Stand By Me." We do a reggae version with @steelparade singing and serenading the audience with the assistance of his steel drum
  • Camera angle changes at 15:23 to DRUMMER VIEW for another cool drum solo intro to another original song called, "Little Witchy." Click on the previous numbers to go to see this version of his drum solo. To see the same song with a slightly different drum solo intro click on these numbers 12:09. You will go directly to the broadcast from our previous performance of "Little Witchy." Please come back... I'm sorry periscope doesn't like Steem... 😳
  • At 23:14, we play "Woke Up" really fast. I move the camera a little, but you can still see Max the drummer.
  • Our singer friend Kriss jumps on stage at 34:54 and sings, "Chain Of Fools."
  • She sings a "hippie" song with us at 40:56. Why is "Crystal Blue Persuasion" a hippie song?
  • Warning musicians switching instruments at 48:01. Drummer Max steps up to the steel drum and @steelparade gets behind the drum set for a high energy instrument. Kids are dancing and having lots of fun.
  • Warning Disney tune at 59:11! Do you know this song? What's the name of it? Be the first to answer correctly and I'll give you a 100% upvote.
  • Another camera angle of Max the drummer at 01:05:01for our rendition of, "Stir It Up."
  • At 01:12:06 I move the camera again to see the kids dancing to another Steel Parade original called, "Dance With Me."
  • Get a 100% upvote on your comment if you can tell me the name of the classic we play at 01:18:57.
  • Our last song for this broadcast is at 01:24:17. The kids want to dance more and we want to end this first set with the audience wanting more. So, @steelparade starts us off for an upbeat version of, "Marianne."
  • DRUM SOLO at 1:30:19! Same song, new camera angle and a drum solo from our friend Max the drummer.

That's the last song for this first set. It's healthy to take a break. Fingers, arms, feet, legs, and voices get tired. Time to eat tacos. I'm not going to drink a beer. It actually makes my throat/vocal chords feel too "slippery" and tacos don't.

NEXT: Part 3 of this series will feature the performance highlights of our second set at Taco Surf. I also move the new camera lens to my front camera. It looks good too, just different. Look for my third and final post in this series, "Bass in this place AND that place too, DOUBLE HEADER Part 3 of 3 featuring: a second set by Taco-drunk performers for Taco Surf's taco-eating drunks."

Mini Contest Reminder:

Two opportunities to win in this post!

  1. Count the hearts and leave a comment telling me how many hearts I added to this post. I'll upvote your comment with 100% (about 0.20 i think)
  2. This one is hard... read my performance highlights (in bullet section above) to find the contest question. Leave a comment with your answer and I'll upvote your comment with 100% (about 0.20 i think)

Thanks for reading and thanks for following.

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