Original Song Collaboration with @jonknight - Stumblin' - Acoustic Guitar and Keys

in #music7 years ago (edited)


The year was 2099...

Actually, it was around 2001 or 2002, but who's counting? I had left my home in New Mexico to live with my Dad (@jonknight) in a California town called Santa Maria.

It smelled like shit. Literally.

The smell was on account of all the broccoli fields in the surrounding area. (never thought about broccoli the same)

We lived in a humble house in a less affluent part of town. If I remember right, my Dad designed trusses for a company of some kind (fill in the gaps, daddio!). I worked at Hollywood Video and it was awesome.

I played lots of guitar and had my first experiences recording in that little house.

FLASH FAST SUPER FORWARD TO 2012. A decade has past and my Dad and I are now living in his current house in North Carolina. We're a far out jam band from the future of outer space called UNIT FOR TWO, or Unit 42. Our primary function in this time-plane is to rescue cats from the self-induced peril of tree branches by performance of nifty catchy songs that make you move your head and/or feel things.

One unsuspecting day, while sensing for felines in need, I reached through the fabric of time to retrieve a guitar riff I had written during the California event. I had been sitting on this riff for a decade, and the whispers of the time current made known to me that the time was now nigh. Nigh now?

Vapors of purple mingling star circles swirled 'round my head as I pressed the 'Record' button.

Father, having sensed the temporal disturbance and having recognized its signature as that of the California event, sprung to the room which I occupied. He moved with such grace that the cat never fell from his lap.

"Record, son, record!!!"

I did. The sonorous polyrhythmos asserted from my fingers contained no poly-rhythms but I thought the word sounded cool there so I used it. Wave after wave of discrete musicality erupted from my soundboard until precisely 68 seconds had elapsed. Then, no more.

Father's hair began to sway in the breeze created by his sudden levitation.

He slowly rose from the ground.

The lights did stutter and the cat's heart did flutter. The piano keys did shudder, and without his physical intervention, the keys began to move!

The beginnings of a groove. A jazz from the muted organ.

"Now, BASS!" His voice echoed from everywhere.

We sat unperturbed, certain that we would soon be hearing from the Temporal Council AND the Regulatory Committee For Awesome Music Created During A Time Weirdout Event (or, RCFAMCDATWE, for short).

Sometimes people still ask, "Was it worth it?"

I always tell em', "What do you think?"

We should totally rename this song Steemblin', though.



Man, this is pleasantly listenable. Who did what parts (father vs son?). I was initially thinking I wanted to hear some vocals in here, then ended up thinking I did not. It's a loose jazzy beach vibe, doesn't need vox. Nice work :)

Hey, @negativer! I'm glad you thought so! :) I played the acoustic guitar bits, and @jonknight performed the keys and synth bass. There is a kick drum in there, too, not sure who clicked that into existence :D Thanks a lot for listening and commenting, man! :)

and the background bongos were Taj!

When I think back, seems to me that this is the very first thing we ever worked on together, musically. I was actually quite worried about that. My musical skills are so far below yours, my talent practically nil.

I worried that you would see I was just a bumbling old meh of a man. Command of the physical universe is worth nothing, compared to being just the guy who is your father.

I listen to this every day to remind me. I hope I never forget. Thanks, man... for every little thing.

Well, you were always my inspiration to get into music in the first place. I think as long as I can remember I "was a guitarist", and I always looked up to you as a musician. Some of my most fulfilling and favored memories are listening to and talking about music with you. Thank you, Dad! There's no way to qualify how much I owe to you. I love you!

I am owed nothing. My life is a blessing and as such, a gift I never deserved. All love is yours, as it always is.

<3 Love you, Dad!

I have heard this song many times and love it. Your reenactment of events is epic. Love it! :)

Hehehe I couldn't remember the exact circumstance so had to approximate ;)

"The lights did stutter and the cat's heart did flutter. The piano keys did shudder, and without his physical intervention, the keys began to move!" ...One of my favorite lines. :)

This was a lot of fun to write! Haha. I really enjoyed the cat references xD

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