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RE: Art Needs to Be Experienced...

in #music7 years ago

I will save the link to listen to it later.

About the opinion that considers his different works so similiar between them, I actually believe that finding and owning a style strong enough to let yourself express different emotions and shades -which is something that you search for that harmony does for you as a composer- is respectable. I don't see the conflict in finding similarity there, because he's an artist! And there is so many people out there working to create soundtracks, just as he is, and, just imagine, everyone doing something completely different everytime... Not a bad thing, but at least as an artist I really respect the value of a concept, yours!, each piece of your work as a sign of yours. I guess with all the time he's been on it, finally he can allow it to himself. I haven't heard it, or even heard him yet, but I've watched one of those movies, I watched Wall-E and I think I liked very much its soundtrack.

I respect different opinions, because I understand that audience and fans can have expectations and we don't always get to please everyone. Now, when you're a musician, and you realize how good can be the other musicians at exploring and creating and expressing their musical intentions, their emotions, you eventually set to yourself as a goal a more solid approach, which could make you "compete" without sacrificing uniqueness, for example, because internally, spiritual and psychological stability is very important too and of course you don't want to waste yourself by changing your inner sets once and another, for every movie, or album for example. This I think.

Be nice! Greetings!


Wow, you wrote a long comment! Super, I sometimes do that as well, since expressing our views in just a couple of words, is almost not possible. Anyway, I appreciate your opinion and I think you have a point. Although, as you say, when someone determines a concept works and proceed with such concept, then business elements is put into the equation. The thought of a concept is in itself already thinking in business terms. Don't get me wrong, I do respect an artists thinking in business terms. I certanly do respect business minded artist creating quality art (music or whatever else), and I even can respect artists thinking in business terms, but producing mediocre or even worse quality art. Well quality is subjective, but still. For instance, in dance music, I do respect the successes of as well as the artists like DJ/producers Tiesto, Armin van Buuren, Afrojack and all, I don't like their music though, and all of them are creating music that they may not like too much themselves (although I that is more a gut feel then anything else, I dont know these guys personally; I do know - for instance - Tiësto from his techno times, and then suddenly he created this typical trance sound and with some business people around him he was pushed to number one DJ of the world and is probably the highest earner in the industry for years already). For sure is, these artists are top earners in the industry, and the only way to get to that level is when you create music likes by the mass, and such music is generally not to my taste, it's get to simple for me, to standard. In pop music one of my all time favourite bands is Talk Talk. They started of with some albums of which some tracks made it to the top 40 pop charts back in the days. Then they for whatever reason wanted to do something else, and they produced two albums with more experimental music, but to me those albums are by far their best, I suppose because they created music they wanted, without looking at all what money it could bring them. Some of my artists friends have a very similar approach, they produce what they want, not what is popular, or what promoters want to hear. I love such approach, although some of my friends need another job to pay for all their bills, since their music is not really selling. Anyway, long story short, I personally like to see variation from an artist, otherwise it gets boring for me quickly. However, I do respect all those artist who mix in some or more business aspects in what they create and do, no doubt about that :)

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