Making Music with My Family

in #music6 years ago (edited)

On the Topic of Music

My entire family is musical. I'm actually one of the worst (in terms of musical talent anyway) in my family. I am the fifth child out of six kids; my younger brother Daniel is the sixth. By the time we were nearly grown up, the other siblings had all moved out and our parents were tired. Generally tired, of course, but specifically: they were tired of raising kids. At this point, they had been doing it for a long time, and were optimistic that my brother and I would manage to make our way in the world with basic input.

But we weren't so successful at figuring out how the world worked, my younger brother and I. What we had in common was a sort of aimlessness that our older, relatively more accomplished siblings lacked. They were the sort of people who acquired nursing degrees and practiced various professions. We were the kind of people that worked third shift at the Waffle House (not that there's anything wrong with that).

2015-08-14 20.22.23.jpg

The pond at our family farm. It was pretty cool to grow up with this view to close out the day.

The good news is that all this aimlessness gave us plenty of time to be creative, each in our own way. My brother is a songwriter (@danieldyemusic). I write too, as well as doing a bunch of other things, mostly in the line of community-building (which sounds vague, but I'm not sure I'm up for explaining it right now. I'll let my posts do the talking).

Last year (I think?) I recorded this song with @danieldyemusic for an EP we made called Back to Ohio. It's a wacky little number, but one of my favorites of his many songs, as it reminds me of my youth, post high school, in which I wandered along and hoped I could convince myself and my patient parents that I'm not crazy. I think, in all the years that have followed leaving home, I have succeeded.

Next week, Daniel is bringing his family from Ohio to Massachusetts to visit my family. We plan to play a few tunes together, of course. It will be like the old days, only better, because we both have managed to find our way. Most of the time anyway.

Listen on Dsound


The cover of our EP, from a photo Daniel took of a house near our cabin in southern Ohio. Special thanks to my brother Daniel, for letting me share this song.

My Top Five

"Music" is one of the aspects of a life well-lived I'm posting about in 2018. For the other topics in this year's Top Five, check out this post.

Sort: similar to my situation...but Im number 6. Me and my brother were definitely the one who received the least input...we were the one who learned through the school of hardknock while my sisters had univerisity degrees. That was a great song to listen to right there. Thanks @sdkelly

Funny how that works in a big family! As number 6, it's all the more admirable then, how you've figured things out. Thanks for stopping by and reading the post, @cryptoctopus!

good family music post thanks for shearing

Making music with family is such an amazing gift. It runs in my family too. Each person has their part and adds something unique and meaningful. Thanks for sharing and reminding.

Thanks @bookleaf. I'd love to hear more about your music-making. I'm new around here, but your posts are already a highlight.

Thanks @sdkelly! I look forward to your posts as well. :) they're great for re-focusing. I'm a preacher-missionary-seminary kid and my family of four often ended up at small churches where WE were the music team. Dad sang tenor and played guitar and mom sang soprano melody. My brother did sound/tech and played drums, bass guitar trumpet and piano in a pinch while I sang alto and played flute, drums (various), bass guitar and keyboard. It was mostly done by ear and We've never written a song together but I've tried my hand in it, nothing to write about there! Nowhere near as successful on that front as you and your brother on that but, like you, it's hard to listen or play music without thinking of family. :)

I have no trouble imagining this scenario, having been in services where the visiting missionary family made the service happen. :) It's fantastic that you're so versatile.

Thanks you

i like this music thanks for sharing...

Very good información

Congrats, I listen and imagine as if I am in the scene because I am trying to relate it to my. Growing up is kind of confusing if you don't have people around you interested in discovering your best and help you achieve it. Majority of us get to where we are through try and error. In the beginning, none like such ways of life at at a points we do appreciate it because we learn so much that way and became more creative.

This is true! It's not all bad, learning through trial and error. It's possible to have a far better sense of where you're going in life if you have to figure it out for yourself. Thanks for your comment, @empowermite!

You are welcome

Nice post..
Beautiful music , i like it
Thank for sharing

so nice.I feel fresh to see your post

That's so cool! My family is pretty musical as well. My brother and I were in a band since we were kids. Always great chemistry when jamming with family :)

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