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RE: Willy G - Vision Quest

in #music5 years ago

hi @scribblingwilly
your music is very beautiful, do you think it is related to the visions you have?
I'm not sure everyone can have these mental abilities, we are not all prepared in the same way. how to be psychics: it is a gift that only some have, don't you think?
I, on the other hand, have a great contradiction which I cannot resolve: I am an atheist, I do not believe in God, but I tend to think that there are spirits around us. How can I not believe in God and believe in the souls of the dead?
congratulations on your curie vote and thanks for sharing with us


hey thanks Road2Horizon! Thanks for your comment and the kind words, I have been making music for years now before my visions they are kind of new. but I enjoy them like I do the music so they are kind of related. I think, judging by things I read like Richard Cassaros book 'The Missing Link', everyone can unlock these abilities. everyone has a pineal gland, so everyone can unlock it to see their true eternal soul which i think everyone has, Im beginning to be convinced of this more and more recently.

Perhaps you should do some digging into gnosticism and ancient times, there were a lot of different gods then and maybe the christian view of jehova isnt exactly true god, and youve seen through that possibly.

I know personally it feels like the earth is conscious, when you see clouds come together into shapes its as if there is an intelligence behind it, like earth is painting pictures with wind as the brush strokes. it might be one in a number of layers of intelligence present in the universe, possibly even broadcast into our atoms through gravity, but thats just a spaced out theory Im working on :D

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