World Wide Cypher Jam! Round 56 Gin And Steak/R.E.D. Brain Dead

in #music6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Ones perspective

If your new to me go here for my introduction on steemit and here for my whaleshares intro.

Well I hope I am not too late! But if I am... Haha oh well!!

Lets get right to it!!

Brain Dead HeaDs



I wrap you with arousel, showing how not to be shallow,

While I love debating, one chooses to never argue,

Simple decapitation of your head for war is murder,

And I know this pen is mightier than all your,

Sworn sticks of metal and earth, as I stay standing ready,

With tha ability to stop wills and reconvert them,

Re-establish the connections of heart power,

Turning ones from the meek and weak,

To powerful destiny creators for self and tha world,

That's how this all happens first, second, thirdly,

You changing you changes me, you will never be able,

To project this change onto me, for only one can be,

The channeling in me to express to you openly and honestly,

Tha heart knows no better way to be than the best spirit,

Brain dead heads with no heart only become tha insanity,

Bar none and bare with one as I come to spread,

Internal knowledge led by experimenting,

Using tha scientific method to manifest results,

That's allowed me to acquire tha apartment one sits in,

Simply simple is not as simple does,

For simple is the most complex out of all,

Right in this rap, that very example,


Complexing metaphors rolling over brain nerves,

Til R.E.D. pops blood vessels to cleaning out tha suffering,

Of all children battling to be free here currently,

Run in this rat race long enough, and finally without it,

I became this man, free of government,

<center.Mind control, controlling the level of chances too,
Break tha mold of old and that new modes,

For a road inbetween these roadways,

Leading ones self up a yellow brick road,

Clean and clear of any dis eases,

Watching this disorder while gliding,

Watch this pen fly as tha fightings dying,

High or bye, tha truth is, are you really making tha choices?

Thank you for joining me!


Cool flow bro, be well
Stay positive and constructive even during tough times and keep working towards something better.

be well

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Right on, thank you!!

Yea getting back into swing of things!!

It is about to get awesome!

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