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RE: Walk Away

in #music6 years ago (edited)

I'm tired of the hyper-normalization manipulation, especially here in America where we only have a two party political system. There is absolutely no dialogue and the gas-lighting from our corporate media is making me sick to my stomach. I threw away my TV back in 2007 and I'm walking away from our broken political/media/institutional systems based on the profit they make from people's suffering. They are intentionally making people sick for profit and power. There is a psychological disfunction called Factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIA or FDIoA), also known as Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP) which I think our global ruling elite suffer from, probably due to inbreeding, hubris, and greed due to ignorance regarding the law of nature (Cause and Effect).

Hyper-normalization Documentary

Atleast you are lucky, coz the country has rules to govern! But in my country, politicians are the people who vanished it! So, I stopped talking about it! Loo,king for a government which is process like a DAPP!



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