Breaking Benjamin in concert

in #music7 years ago (edited)

I promised you more on the concert later. Right now is later!

I finally got to see one of my all-time favorite bands live. This was their second time touring Europe. I completely missed the first time, so I'm glad I got a second chance this year.


Breaking Benjamin is a rock band from the US. They've been around for quite some years, though the band split up a couple of years ago and everything was quiet for a while. Eventually, the lead singer Benjamin Burnley got together some new members and re-started the band.

I'm happy he did!

We saw them in Utrecht. I'm going to share some of my pictures with you, but my camera is quite crappy in darkness (not allowed to take my good camera), so you'll have to excuse the poor quality.

The support act was a band called Starset. Their intro was two white screens with black lines traveling across them. It took a bit too long, but it's okay. Eventually they hit the stage and put on a nice show. Nothing too special for me. It was good, but I won't be adding them to my Spotify lists.


The noteworthy thing about Starset was that they were partially dressed up in these fancy outfits with lights attached to them. The two guitarists and drummer wore them. Halfway through their set, the singer lost his glasses, but he carried on like nothing was wrong. Good man!

Then, the stage had to be re-aranged for the main act. Now, I didn't manage to get a lot of good shots. My camera's bad in the dark and I didn't want to have the camera in hands all the time. So you won't see all of the band members too clearly, but here's what I got!


Mister Benjamin Burnley himself.


The drummer did a nice little drum solo with all lights on him, so I managed to capture this quite well!


The best full shot I could manage.


And one more of the awesome lead singer!

The show was great, I'm so happy I managed to get my hands on those tickets in time! The crowd was also very excited and knew every word to all the songs. The back pain I had after the support act was completely forgotten during Breaking Benjamin's show.

We were up on the balcony, so we had a good view of the crowd aswell. Normally, I'm quite a bit to the front, in the crowd, so I never really notice these things, but this time, we saw plenty of crowd surfers and mosh pits! The mosh pits grew quite large at some point, so I was really glad we were up on the balcony, instead of in the crowd downstairs. No one seems to have gotten hurt though, so it was all good.

They did a little bit inbetween their own songs where they sang some covers and did the Star Wars theme. This was also quite fun to see and hear.

A great evening and I'd definitly visit their concert again!

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Glad you enjoyed the show. This band is from Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania, which is about 15 miles from where I live. They are by far the most famous band to emerge from my neck of the woods.

My friend sold a Ford Mustang to one of the guys in the band, I don't know which one. He said the guy was real friendly and down to earth. And this was after they had made it big. It's good to hear about someone who doesn't let their fame go to their head.

Ooh that's awesome! Always fun to see famous people emerge around your own place :-)

Yeah, it's great to find musicians and actors who are simply regular, down to earth people. Though I guess their fans won't act down to earth to them, so that must be kind of awkward! Especially when just starting out!

Awesome, pretty good pics all things considered. Looks like a great time. Congratulations, so glad you guys got to experience your band live.

Thank you :-)
Yeah, I'm glad a few pictures turned out alright. All I needed!

Oh that's great to hear that you had a great evening after the not so much appreciated diner earlier!

Oh yes, the concert more than made up for it :D

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