The ''10,000-Hour Rule'' - Is it true? - checking my personal ''practice record'' .

in #music6 years ago

Hello Steemit!

Well , hope first of all I hope everyone who is going to SF3 is having a blast , unfortunately I was not able to attend this year for various reasons .. but oh well... there's always a next time ! But , i'm not slowing down around here or at @helpie HQ , the early wake ups and strong coffees will continue ! we are on our last stretch of the year.. or at least it feels like it for me :P

Yesterday after a small talk with my students I went over this subject right here and even though most of you might have heard it , I though about sharing some insights just for fun.

The ''10,000-Hour Rule''

Every time a student throws the default phrase ''this is too hard , I can't do it'' I always answer the same thing .. ''how many hours have you put into it?'' to usually get the answer ''Oh , I did not have time to practice''. They end up answering themselves and I just continue with my class.

It's funny how the younger ones always seem to use the ''I don't have time'' excuse over and over , this usually leads me to asking them about what they did in the day and I normally just get ''went to school , did homework... watched TV'' , then I compare their regular day to my day and end up with how many hours I could put into this week into my practicing.. ''If I can make some time .. then you can''

By the way, I'm not a believer in 10-hour daily practice routines and ''all you have to do is play, don't have a life , no friends , just sit and struggle'' ... what an awful way to look at music! ... yes.. I did not like Whiplash as a reference for this : The abusive teacher , the struggle , the frustration carved into students, the bleeding over the drums because of overpractice... aaaah.. it's all you shouldn't do! They were elements used to making it a commercial best-seller , I get it.. J.K Simmons acting was superb but.. no.. on a musical standpoint and by me being a music teacher myself.. I disagree with most of it! Covers for tomato throwing...

I believe in smart and enjoyable practicing , you should have fun with it and enjoy the little achievements on a step by step basis .. while something like learning all the arpeggio families in all positions and inversions in every possible key might sound overwhelming .. learning a simple A minor arpeggio and playing around with it for about 10 minutes doesn't sound too bad right? break it down in parts , you'll eventually learn them all... it just takes time.

Consistency is key! don't have more than 30 minutes? no problem.. set yourself a practice routine and try to cover some points in that time frame .. I think I will do a full post on this .. we need to learn ''how to practice'' too!

Having said all of this.. let's do a little test .. just for fun.. let's see if I meet this 10,000 hour rule that is what you are supposed to do in order to achieve mastery in any subject you might be interested in doing.

So... let's see:

I started playing guitar at age 11 but not taking it seriously until a year later , luckily/unluckily my bigger brother Jose was constantly making me sit on my guitar to practice... every single day hahaha.. sooo... I had some early discipline.

Age 11 to 12 : 1 - hour per day approx : 365 hours.

Age 12 to 18 were my heavy practicing days but quite inconsistent.. I could tackle 8 hours one day.. then .. not practice the next two days and such , but I kinda had a guitar with me all the time let's play a medium number.

3- hours per day for 7 years (we are counting for each completed year.. so i think that's the math) : 365 x 3 x 7 = 7655 hours.

Age 18 -20: Were the TV days.. I cut my practice a lot .. so maybe I went back to 1-hour per day

1- hour per day for 2 years: 365 x 1 x 2 = 730

Age 20 to 21 was my first retirement... so .. I pretty much played 20-30 minutes whenever i felt like it .. so...

Semi-retirement year .. : 100 hours maybe?

21 to 24 Were my music college days so.. picked up the pace quite a bit.. i think a 3 hour per day is a safe number again .. sooo: 3 hours per day for 4 years : 4380 hours

24 to 30 .. to actual date.. same thing.. I think there are periods i practice more than others but to say I have a guitar with me around 2 hours per day is a safe number so :

2-hour practice for 6 years ( I just turned 30 so last year doesn't count ): 365 x 2 x 6 : 4380 hours

Let's add them up!

365 + 7655 + 730 + 100 + 4380 + 4380 = 17610 hours

Mmmm... that number is quite unrealistic since that would mean me playing every single day.. and.. at least I take sundays off :D .. so.. we should probably cut a couple thousand hours from the top hahaha!

Anyways .. it seems that I did reach the 10,000 hour rule at this point if that means anything , if you ask me I still feel like I need to learn so much.. and I should get to practicing now.

Have you heard of the 10,000 hour rule? Do you think it is accurate? How much would you score?

Thanks for reading!




My only excuse could be reduced down to "not wanting to take the time to practice". I mostly play for fun, and sometimes I'm just not motivated to do it.

hehehehe .. well , practicing should not be too much of an ''obligatory'' thing if your connection to music is more relaxed , if you play for fun , keep it fun I guess. I try to keep it fun though music being my line of work it stresses the hell out of me sometimes .. so the love/hate relationship is there sometimes haha.

Great post, I am a music teacher too and kids say that they don't have time to practice hah. I can tell you I don't know many people that can play the guitar like you. So those 17000 hours don't go unnoticed. I believed even the 10000 number could be really making a difference. Maybe we could say the number works with some restrictions: let's say you can master anything if you practice 10000 hours every 15 years. Anyways, time is just a reference, I love the emphasis you make in the quality of that time, the fun element that should hook us into practice. And no: no one should use that movie for vocational counseling towards music!

hahaha thank you ! yes , i think in a way it's just a number but it's fun to do the math just to see what would I get .. 17000 is inaccurate .. im sure it's quite a lot less hahah but at least I think it's safe to say i'm over the 10,000 mark :P .. I still feel like a beginner and when I talk to experienced players they also say ''i'm still figuring this out''.. so in a way it's a neverending journey :) ! Glad to meet another music teacher! Cheers!

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