How to Alter your Consciousness with Sound (And a brainwave training meditation track for you to try)

in #music8 years ago (edited)

Most people know that a great song can change the way we feel.

But our emotional response to music is only one tiny aspect of its true potential. It goes much deeper than that. In fact, the technology exists to alter our mental state, and how we feel, in very targeted ways with nothing but sound.

It’s called Brainwave Entrainment, and it’s becoming more powerful and more mainstream every single day

I've been creating mind-altering Brainwave Entrainment audio tracks for almost two years now and have had some remarkable results. So I created a brainwave entrainment meditation track for everyone to try! It's such a powerful technology and really something that you just have to experience.

It allows you to experience a deep level of meditation, automatically and within minutes. All you have to do is press play. It's that simple.

If you want to just listen to the track, scroll to the bottom, otherwise, read on and I will explain how it all works!

This is your brain on sound:

To understand how sound can possibly alter your consciousness in any significant way, I’ll need to explain a few things.

At any given moment in time, your brain is producing not one, but five different types of brainwaves: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, each with it's own unique frequency range.

These electrical signals are how your brain cells communicate with each other, and one of the five is always more dominant than the rest. Which one depends on your mental state, how you feel, and whatever it is that you happen to be doing. Needless to say, it changes constantly. 

But the important thing to understand is that there is a specific, measurable, and somewhat predictable brainwave pattern directly associated with every action you could ever take, and with every single way you could possibly ever feel.

To put it another way, how you feel changes your brainwaves, yet surprisingly, the opposite is also true. You can change your mental state, and how you feel, by changing your brainwaves with an external stimulus. We are going to be doing this with sound. 

How on Earth is any of this possible?

It all starts with a strange phenomenon found in nature called the Frequency Following Response, which describes a process by which similar patterns are able to synchronize with each other.

For example, fireflies in large groups will synchronize their light flashes while mosquitos that fly together will synchronize the speed at which they flap their wings.

Also, pendulum clocks hanging on the same wall, but set at different rates will eventually synchronize their movements. Metronomes in close proximity will, too.

But the Frequency Following Response is also why certain types of sounds are able to influence your brainwave patterns. When your brain is exposed to a steady rhythmic sound at a specific frequency, say seven beats per second (otherwise known as 7 Hertz), your brainwaves will begin to synchronize with the frequency of the beat. 

In this example, 7 Hertz, which happens to be a Theta brainwave frequency, temporarily becomes your dominant brainwave. And because 7 Hertz Theta brainwaves are closely correlated with feelings of stress relief, strong relaxation, and deep meditation, by simply listening to the sound of the beat, you will suddenly find yourself starting to relax.

Meditation made simple:

During meditation, our brainwaves change in a very specific way. Research, in which scientists used an electroencephalogram (EEG) to measure the brainwaves of Buddhist Monks in deep meditation, has shown this time and time again. 

By engineering a Brainwave Entrainment audio track to induce the same brainwave frequency patterns observed in the Monks, the result is essentially a guided meditation that communicates directly with your brain.

As you listen, you will automatically experience the same deep level of meditation, and it only takes a few minutes to start working.

Give it a try:

All you have to do is play the track, sit or lay back, close your eyes, listen and breathe. 

Also make sure to either use headphones or a set of  quality speakers (your phone/tablet/laptop speakers aren't high enough quality).

Because it isn't possible to embed Soundcloud tracks into Steemit yet, here is the link to listen to my brainwave entrainment meditation on Soundcloud:

I hope you all enjoy it!


This is a really interesting post! Im going to try it out, as someone with a lot of anxiety hopefully this will help me relax.

It definitely will and I have a lot of other tracks that might help too! If you want to try something more powerful as well, here is the first 10 minutes or so of another track that I created: - When people experience vertigo, they usually take a benzo like valium to slow the signal down from the inner ear to the brain and it relieves the vertigo. This track is so sedating that it helps to reduce the intensity of vertigo with nothing but sound. It works really well for anxiety too.

I have tracks that can boost focus too.

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