Motions (Original Song) - One Song A Week For A Year - Week #1

in #music6 years ago (edited)

I've decided to challenge my self to release one new song every friday each week for the next year. I've always had a passion for songwriting and music production and decided the best way to get better was to just keep working on it and releasing as much music as possible. I've always been, what I consider, overly critical of myself and have put off releasing a lot of music I've worked on in the past, but I'm hoping to use each week as a learning experience in finishing one song, fully writing, producing, mixing, mastering etc. and just continually applying what I learn to all future songs.

This is my first release, titled "Motions", I would consider it in the pop/electronic genre.

I got a little deep with the lyrics for this one lol, but I really like how it turned out and think it's a good song to start out with.

The lyrics to the chorus are about humanities search for meaning in life, while seemingly "going through the motions" despite the feeling of uncertainty. The verse is my personal reflection on this idea, highlighting an everyday struggle with the repetitive nature of life, and the attempt to numb those thoughts through various means, such as substance abuse.

Thanks for listening!


nice audio visualizer bro
checkout my page for more music stuff and hope you like it plus if you need some help contact me on discord

Man, this is so good!
New song every Friday? Keep 'em coming, dude! Steemit need that! :D

thanks man! I really appreciate it! and yes every Friday!! :)

I like the song @mattletch, I like that we can dance to the beat and tune. Was that you singing? Nice voice :) And I like your inspiration for the song too:

everyday struggle with the repetitive nature of life, and the attempt to numb those thoughts through various means...

I feel the same too. Some days do feel like Groundhog Day, don't they? It is great that you can reflect in the form of songs. Do you plan to make an album with your songs or do you already have albums? :)

Thank you!! YES that is me singing!! :)

Hahaha I like the Groundhog Day reference, I haven't seen that movie in FOREVER!! lol .. but as of now I'm just going to be releasing singles, one a week for the next year, take that time to improve and really find my sound, and then reassess my goals at the end of that year! and no, this is my first real attempt at my own original music, so no albums out already, but there's a lot more music coming, and I hope you'll check out some future songs, I'll be releasing one every Friday!!

Ah I was right, it was you! :) I think it is great that you challenge yourself to produce a song every Friday and it is not even the new year yet! You are early with your new year resolution :)
Haha ah yes, I only watched it once and I didn’t quite like how it depicts my life sometimes haha. I decided that I didn’t like it lol.
I think it is great that you are doing what you love and are passionate about. It is so important to keep at it and have fun doing it.
Ah album shall come later after you have all 52++ songs to choose from, right? :) I think you can make a nice dance album.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Those are ambitious goals! And we will all get the benefit of hearing all of your accomplishments! If your next efforts are as good as this one I suspect you will make a lot of people happy!

Thank you so much for your kind words!! and Yes, it is a big task, but I'm passionate about it and music is really fun for me! :)

Now I feel like getting a drink and sitting on a comfortable couch somewhere in a lounge bar listening to your music :)

Amazing song! Every Friday for a year? WOW! Do you have some material already or are you planning to create a new song every week? This sounds like a great challenge to me!

And is it you singing? I like the voice :)

Thank you for sharing! Have a great weekend!

Wow thank you so much!!

Yes the goal is to make a new song every week and release it on Friday! I've been playing guitar since I was 12 so a little over 15 years and I began getting interested in music production around the age of 20 and have worked with several other people in collaborations, but I've never really focused on my own music until earlier this year. But, I've struggled with finishing projects, just not being fully confident in them. So I decided It was time to put in the effort and just finish some songs! So i'm just starting with a blank slate and seeing what I come up with!

And YES that is me singing! thank you for your kind words!

I'm doing everything by myself, recording all instruments, vocals, mixing, making the artwork etc. Just kinda realized there's no better way to get better at making songs than to just go through the entire process as much as possible.

But thanks again for listening!! I hope you'll check out some more songs as they come out!

You have a great weekend too!!!

Listening to your song while replying to you :) my hubby likes it too :)

Thank you for sharing your story. So you have more experience than half of your life :) Impressive!

It's like with everything, practice will make you better and better even though I think that you're already very good :)

I will definitely check them out! :)

that's Awesome he likes it too!! and very true, it just takes practice! Thanks again for listening! :)

Obviously you miss a bit of mastering, some of the samples sounds a bit flat or noizy but overall I must admire that your track is F**ING AMAZING ! Great vibe created by the combinations of the live instruments with the house vibes. As electronic music supporters we are glad that you found so much inspirations to create a new song each week. We hope that the next ones will be on the same or even a higher level ! Good job man

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! and I really appreciate your feedback about the samples, I will definitely keep that in mind moving forward. Trying out the electronic music genres is a new venture of mine, I've played guitar most of my life and have performed a lot in a singer/songwriter style and some jazz ensembles, but just now getting into electronic music production, so I appreciate your honest feedback, there's always room for improvement!!

The power of music is impressive. How it connects people without knowing each other. As steemians enjoy original songs that you talented musicians share with us.

Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Don't stop, keep creating delicious songs like these. Because it is what I think of this track, it is divine.

Yes, Music is AWESOME!! and Thank you!! I really appreciate the support!

This is awesome. Have you not ever yet done the steemit @openmic? You definitely should! And blockchain activity is so low right now, it's a great way to get your name into the music community here and be more easily noticed.
Big cheers! I am a fan.

Thanks Serena!! I'm really glad you liked it!! and no I've never done the openmic thing. someone mentioned it to me before, but I've never really thought about it when I was working on covers/videos.

You're definitely right about that, activity is low. But that's a good point, more chances people will see my post. And I don't really care if my posts make money, I just want people to hear my music, so I'm gonna keep posting!!! :)

have a great weekend!!

Yes!! Awesome attitude! Well, it is super easy, literally all you have to do is at the beginning of your video say "This is my entry for week (whatever number the week is of the contest) of Steemit open mic and my username is mattletch." And make openmic be the first tag of your post. That's it. :) There's a huge steem music community on discord as well, do you have an account there? I am incredibly bored on a Saturday night and so am stalking the coolest people on the blockchain. I swear I'm not creepy. Just weird. ha ha

Oh cool, I may try the openmic whenever I do another cover video! thanks for the tip! :)

No I'm not on discord, i'm not even sure what it is honestly. I've heard people mention it before but never really looked into what it was. What exactly do you use discord for?

Hahaha that's not weird or creepy!!

Hi mattletch,

This post was nominated by a @curie curator to be featured in an upcoming Author Showcase that will be posted Late Tuesday/Early Wednesday (U.S. time) on the @curie blog.

NOTE: If you would NOT want us to feature your post in the Author Showcase please reply, email, or DM me on Discord as soon as possible. Any photos or quoted text from your post that we feature will be properly attributed to you as the author.

  • If you would like to provide a brief statement about your posting, your life or anything else to be included in the article, you can do so in reply here or look me up on Discord chat (@misterakpan#6646).

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Akpan (@curie curator)
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Thank you for this beautiful music, the thought that I immediately had was sun, being on beach, warm tropical water and just a paradise, actually this music fits to holiday mood, relaxation, enjoying the free time. While listening to music the words play not much role but the song is nicely performed, having such nice voices no matter what text is behind. I like the idea that you decided to do new song every Friday, this is not easy task but obviously you are doing well with that. Thank you for this video and the music sound.

Thanks you so much!! I really appreciate all the kind words!! :)

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