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RE: Gnash Song Challenge - episode 1 (HEAR your words set to music! MARVEL at your ideas taking sonic flight! WONDER at the sheer beauty of it all!)

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Who can resist, in a sense of fun of course, throwing something in to challenge you Carl, and initially you'll find it promising, almost excited, only to be sat their 16hrs later, mind still blank apart from hearing yourself getting ever louder in your own head, still stuck , needing a little bit more to add to these few paltry lines I offer, which are........... this might be a good time to draw a halt to this challenge(no that's not one of the lines, just a warning before you tackle this, hehehe)........

Here we go then .........
"Got me a surefire feeling, I'd bet all my Steem on it, Oh such a sure fire feeling, I'd even bet what's in my jeans on it,"
(but not my belt, you'll never know when I'll need it---- optional line)
"It's like it's, just on the tip of my tongue, I say, just on the tip of my tongue"
"I'd better not mention their names, the greedy bastards, No, I'd better not mention no names, the greedy bastards"
I'd better not mention their names, the greedy bastards, cos they might just send me down in flames, the greedy bastards"
"Aww, it's just on the tip of my tongue, I say, it's just on the tip of my tongue!!"
"Give up on technology, don't be daft!" (this line, I feel, should be repeated 5 times in succession each time it's sung at any point in the song, and as many times as is your liking, but of course I don't want to influence your judgement too much in case I make a bum choice. (see how I'm tryin to make it easier there for you, hehe!)
It needs a few more lines, maybe, and for the last line, I'd like you to hurl a choice insult at me of your own choosing, but must contain an alternative word for masturbation or at least one good expletive...... I deserve no less after all. :)

Challenged? .................... yes I am :)


I love this man. This one is going to be super easy. This one practically writes itself. Very rhythmic.

Glad to hear it @carlgnash, or rather, I'll be glad to hear it. OPlease let me know if you succeed, as I haven't got the notifications side of things quite mastered here yet. ;)

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