“Put Your Trust in Justin” (a Justin Trudeau song) by Bowser and Blue … (Comedy / Humor – Music to Your Ears, Mock’n’Roll–19)

in #music5 years ago

Electing them is our mistake. We are the fools who have to learn from our mistakes.

Bowser and Blue – “Put Your Trust in Justin”

“Put Your Trust in Justin” … a Justin Trudeau Song (2014)

When a song about a politician begins “Put your trust in ….,”  you know it’s gonna be satirical and sarcastic. And when it is written by Canadian comics Bowser and Blue, you know it’s gonna be very funny. 

The Horrid

In the run-up to the 2014 election, B&B advised us to put our trust in Justin Trudeau – because the alternative was another few years of the horrid Stephen Harper. So, imagining that “love is in the air”  with Trudeau, Canadians banished Harper and elected Justin to be Prime Minister. 

The Idiots

Of course, replacing one politician with another is ultimately pointless. Electing them is “our mistake.”  It’s we who are the idiots, we who have to “learn from our mistakes.” 

Unfortunately, the electorate will never learn that the politicians still have plenty to learn and will continue to make mistakes. There is nothing to do but laugh at the absurd charade.   (Image source)

Bowser and Blue

Bowser and Blue are a Canadian musical duo who write and perform comic songs. Based in Montreal, they have played together since 1978. (Real names – George Bowser and Richard Elger, aka Rick Blue)   

In their early days, they played mostly cover versions of various pop and popular songs. Nowadays, they generally play their own comedic compositions – which range “from absurdist humour to pointed political and cultural satire.”  

The titles of their other songs – such as “Down Our Way, and Up Yours”  and "Two Nuts Roasting on an Open Fire"  – usually give us some good hints of what to expect in their clever and witty lyrics. 

Laugh, and Live Longer

As B&B say on their website, “We believe that music and laughter can extend your life, so we hope our show will give you a couple of extra days."  Hopefully, their music and your laughter will extend your life for a few more weeks, maybe even months.    

Listen, laugh, and live longer.   (Image source)

Conservatives in Parliament do not like Justin T
They do not like his politics or his pedigree
But I feel when I see Justin, that love is in the air
It’s the opposite of what I get from Harper or Mulcair

His energy and feelings he often can’t restrain
He sometimes opens mouth before engaging brain
He says he smoked a joint, well, that’s just as well, because
There was a buzz around the Liberals, now we know what it was

I’ll trust in Justin Trudeau, he’s the man for me
The nemesis of Tories, and the NDP
When Trudeau is Prime Minister, it will be kinda strange
If you’ve been smokin’ since the 60s, you’ll think that nothin’s changed

He looks good with his shirt off and everyone can tell
His heart is in the right place, and his nipples are as well
Stephen Harper’s government looks like it’s on the skids
But if he took his shirt off, it would frighten all the kids

Justin’s first attempts at dating – I’ll bet they didn’t thrive
It’s hard to get romantic, growing up on Sussex Drive
Girls would tell him, “Justin – just so there’s no doubt
We can cuddle duddle, but fuddle duddle is out.”

I’ll trust in Justin Trudeau to show us what he’ll do
Perhaps one day he’ll even look good in a canoe
His father was a rascal, he took life as it comes
He did not like kissing babies, but he liked to kiss their mums

Let’s put our trust in Justin, Justin is our man
If anyone can lead this country maybe Justin can
Move over, Boomers – it’s the younger people’s turn
(If he can) learn from our mistakes, then there’s …
An awful lot …. to learn
   (Image source)
Lyrics by George Bowser / Rick Blue, courtesy of – YouTube
Reference – Wikipedia
Reference – BoswerAndBlue.com

Into your ears … through 5 channels

 The various posts are categorized into 5 channels (Right-Click to see details)
         1 – “Music to Your Ears” (MTYE)
         2 – “Cover Versions”
         3 – “Honor Roll”
         4 – “Documentaries”
         5 – “Mock’n’Roll”

Links to my other series ...

          Lou Reed – "Anthology of Memorable Lyrics, Part 1"
          Lou Reed – "Anthology of Memorable Lyrics, Part 2"

          Great Lyrics, a compilation – “Part One – My Lyrics Posts 3~30”
          Great Lyrics, a compilation – “Part Two – My Lyrics Posts 31~60”  

          Vocab-Ability – "Introduction to Vocab-Ability"  
          Vocab-Ability – "Index"  to all Chapters and Sections  

          Notes from Under the Tatami Mats – "Part One – Notes 1~50"  
          Notes from Under the Tatami Mats – "Part Two – Notes 51~87"  

Hi @majes.tytyty

My time to wake up with my family is at 5 AM to go to school.

It is already a ritual to see if you published any music to listen to while we get ready to go to school.

My youngest daughter liked the rhythm a lot, she told me it looks like Bugs Bunny song

As you probably noticed, I don't publish as often as before. But I'll still post every few days, so I hope you don't abandon your ritual.

As for your daughter's observation, I bet this duo would be pleased to hear that they are as brilliant and as funny as Bugs Bunny. :-)

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