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RE: 🎶 My Life - A Singer Without A Voice 🎶

in #music7 years ago

Wow awesome comment :)

No worries I completely understand where you are coming from, emotional issues can manifest themselves into physical ailments - I have heard about this before and I do believe there is a premise to the underlying theory.

I haven't spent too much time looking into it for me personally though and that is an interesting avenue I will have to go down, singing was and is close to who I really am - a gateway to my soul I guess, so it makes sense that if there was an issue that is where things could manifest.

The name Louise Hay sounds familiar I have a feeling I have heard of here before possibly through my mother @aussiesteem? she is into new agey things like this and one of my biggest influencers in this area :)

I think I had never thought of it as an emotional issue because I have had issues with my hearing since infancy, but even with the underlying issue my voice should be somewhat unrelated and therefore plausibly impacted by this.

I don't yell anywhere as much as I used to, probably because it hurts lol - but also I have grown a lot in the past 8 years and now with my kidlets I have to find other methods to solve our problems (and we do have our own variety of crazy we have to keep up with - so no offence it is challenging).

Now that I am finally seeing a specialist I will be able to find out what physical issues are there and then I can approach things from both angles :)

By the way thank you, I wish I had more recordings of my singing from before I damaged my voice when I could really belt out a tune - it's nice to know someone still likes it even though I know it can be better.

Cheers :D

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