
Sadly school made me dye my hair back a few days later and I never got a pic with green hair.Back then you had to actually use film to get pics, we didn't have cameras with us at all times lol I might still have the Doc Martens somewhere at my parents.

It's never too late to be green... How about you dye your hair green and I (pretend I'm going to) dye my hair blue, for my 60th in 2 months time...

Ah yes, the days of film, and the excitement of getting the roll developed, and the disappointment when you realise every photo is out of focus. Or maybe that was just me.

I was never much of a shutterbug. I'm still not, I always forget to take pics when I'm at events etc... lol I MIGHT have a picture somewhere at my parents where my hair was blue - but it was pretty dark blue so it almost looks black. I tried to get away with the green because green was our school color but nope... I tried to dye it brown again, but the green still showed through and they sent me home gain. Oh well, the only way I could change it was to bleach it, and they allowed "blonde" hair so... It worked out OK in the end lol

@sift666 is the shutterbug in our family. The only time I think to pull out my camera is if I go on a trip without him, and then I try and get photos of everything so he can see what I did. They wouldn't win any awards though.

Haha, your poor hair!

Turns out green was too much for the girls, bleached was just right lol I still remember their reactions the first day I got on the school bus with my bleached hair. Ahh, high school lol

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