"STEEM SPACE" - My entry for @papa-peppers SSSC (Steem Silver Song Contest)

in #music7 years ago

It's been a fun, spontaneous week here on Steemit. Just a couple days ago, I was inspired by one of @papa-pepper's posts about his Steem silver rounds giveaways.

I had had my eye on those beautiful things for a long time, but wasn't really sure how to enter a selfie contest properly, and thought how great it might be if he made a song contest for those delicious Steem silver coins. I don't know man. Something came over me. I had just about a half an hour before I had to be at work, but I grabbed a swig of hot tea from the supermarket café, typed some lyrics into my phone, and went out to my car to record the song. You can read all about that HERE.

Anyway, to make a long story short, @papa-pepper has graciously decided to make the song competition into a reality! He's used my first song I sent him as the example for the contest!

Now, here is my official entry, a hip-hop jam called "Steem Space." Enjoy!



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Ha, I love it! I think you have a winner my friend! Great work @kafkanarchy84. How could anyone beat "steemy and round....".

Hahaha. Thanks. I'm glad someone else caught that.

Excellent entry and thanks for the idea!

There is intelligent life everywhere! Its prolific!

I'm happy that I've found your prolific self - writing your rhymes in notebooks for so long - I know the feeling - thanks for getting that steem silver fever in the first place ;p

Thanks for listening to the words ;)

Keep writing 'em ;p

@papa-pepper is really a hard working man, contest here and there. Nice

@kafkanarchy good luck in the constest.

Excellent hip-hop..of "steem space" composed.. thanks to papa-pepper for organising the contest . It's because of him we all got a chance to see your hidden talent... keep up the good work...

Most welcome.. and good night to you..

I knew Kafkanarchy BEFORE he was a famous hip hop artist.

You are a talent for music, you need to deal with music definitely

waaaw this music hip hop of Steem Space very nice
I liked the words of the song and also the rhythm is very wonderful indeed is an enthusiastic song thanks for sharing

Nice track ! Good luck in this contest

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