Sometimes I Just Close My Eyes And Let My Music Take Control. (Meditation Instrumental Produced By Me)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #music7 years ago (edited)

My Music Is Sometimes All I Have Left

Some of you may know about my musical history already from my introduction post, but if you were not aware. Check out the post its pretty insightful , you can learn alot about me from it.

It Comes And Goes

There are days were I can't even come up with a melody, or a chord. Could be the greatest day ever, everything going right. Thats is until i sit down and try to make music . . . . .

Fueled By Emotion

Not sure what it s about the bad times that seem to bring out the creative side in me. If the day is not going right, I get into a argument with my wife, My kids are being a hassle for the day. Doesn't matter what the case is, but it seems to always take to that same spot, at my desk headphones on, midi keyboard plugged in and I close my eyes, find the right sound and it just flows from my hands, my mind, my fingers. I cant really explain the sensation but I'm sure my fellow musicians know what I'm talking about.

It's Not A Love

I don't wan't to say 'Oh I Love Music So Much" No I live music, it doesnt matter where I am, if i hear a sound I can always just close my eyes and feel the music. Well before I get to Hipp Dippy! lol Check out the song below. Was produced during one those down occasions. I hope you can feel it as well when you listen. Enjoy.

Song: Jhana (Meditation Instrumental) Produced by: JustCallMeMyth

Upvote, Follow, Resteem, and Enjoy!


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Excellent and sounds great! I'm always looking for beautiful meditation music!
What you said is so true.
I don't just love music, I live music. :-)

Thank you! Glad you can relate!



lol you're welcome!

Chill. Do you multi-track, rechannelize, or just do it realtime?

Nice music. Are you melancholic?

@yourhelper I was just recently diagnosed with deep depression since I got injured, But steemit has been giving me hope again that I can start to provide a income for my family and hopefully to less the burden/workload on my wife. Thanx for enjoying! Glad you liked it! Any votes HELP!

Interesting piece of music. I like how you put that together.

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