A.I. & Music Connections : Futuristic Revolution of Cyberpunk Synchronicity & Singularity

in #music7 years ago (edited)

If a super controlling A.I. that ruled the planet had a theme song would probably look something like this in my opinion. We can see a Synchronicity in Theme Songs almost pre-built for an approaching all music knowing A.I. noticing the same repeat of beats and patterns over and over in all of advertisements, the radio and most of pop culture.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to become the most groundbreaking and defining technology of the 21st century. But what exactly comes to mind when people think about AI? Programs that can beat you at poker? Robots that can perform complex tasks with perfection or perhaps autonomous beings that are on the verge of replacing your job?
When we think about AI, we often look at those areas where humans can easily be replaced: high-level computation, manual labour, or data-driven optimization. Yet, there is now a new wave of emerging potential for AI in creative industries – one of which happens to be musical composition.

More investigating music and A.I.

One of the goals of the industrial revolution was to have machines simulate physical tasks to produce outputs more efficiently. Fast forward to the present. The purpose of artificial intelligence, also known as AI, is to simulate any mental task. Machine learning is arguably one of the most important subsets of AI because it effects all other fields within AI. In any industry, you have a pattern or a model that you know to be true, you make a prediction, and then you update your model based on the result. This represents the learning process of machine learning. The introduction of this technology into industries like music, online dating, online publications, video-sharing and sports is becoming vital to each organization's competitive sustainability.

The more data you have, the better the accuracy of your machine learning algorithm. In the music industry access to information presents a big challenge, but once you have it, the question becomes, how can you use and manipulate it using machine learning?

Let us quickly recap why access to data is such a big challenge in the music industry.

In this metaphor, the "majors" represent Sony Music, Universal Music Group and Warner Music Group. The "streams" represent streaming companies like, but not exclusive to, Spotify and Apple. The "gold" represents consumer data from streaming platforms. The majors and the streams sit knighted at the roundtable. The streams rule the island of consumption and as a result control access to the gold. The majors are granted access to the gold because they own most of the island of content and a share of land on the island of consumption. The independents own a smaller portion in the land of content, and as a result, they have to get their gold from Robin Hood. Also known as direct-to-fan platforms that provide consumer data to artists such as Pledge Music, Hive or Superphone.

The question is, once you have access to the gold, what do you do with it and how can you maximize its value?

Here we find a project with AI and music called flow machines.

Flow Machines, a project directed by Sony’s Computer Science Laboratories, has also made inroads in creating musical works with artificial intelligence.
The research team trained its machine learning algorithm with 13,000 melodies from different music genres, and then let it work its magic and create its own piece of art. The result was Daddy’s Car, a song that mimics the style of The Beatles. While the lyrics were created by a human, the music was totally made by the algorithm.

We can see google entering this field as well to research more Music and A.I together with Magenta. All the purple and pink references lately makes me wonder.


Will A.I. be competitive and beat musical composers one day?
Maybe we just have to watch.

How does artificial intelligence apply to music?
At the heart of recent artificial intelligence breakthroughs are machine learning algorithms, programs that find patterns in large sets of data. Machine learning made it possible to automate both cognitive and physical processes that difficult or impossible to define through rule-based programming. This includes tasks such as image classification, speech recognition and translation.

When given musical data, machine learning algorithms can find the patterns that define each style and genre of music. But there’s more to it than classification and copyright protection. As researchers have shown, machine learning algorithms are capable of creating their own unique musical scores.
Google’s Magenta, looks for ways to advance the state of machine-generated art. Using Google’s TensorFlow platform, the Magenta team has already managed to create algorithms that generate melodies as well as new instrument sounds. Magenta is also exploring the broader intersection of AI and arts, and is delving into other fields such as generating paintings and drawings.

Another interesting project is folk-rnn, a machine learning algorithm developed by a group of researchers at Kingston University and Queen Mary University of London. After ingesting a repertoire of 23,000 Irish folkloric tunes, folk-rnn was able to come up with its own unique Irish musical scores.

None of the research teams claim their algorithms will replace musicians and composers. Instead, the believe AI algorithms will work in tandem with musicians and help them become better at their craft by boosting their efforts and assisting them in ways that weren’t possible before. For instance, an AI algorithm can provide composers with a starting point by generating the basic structure of a song and letting them do the tunings and adjustments.
Real applications of AI in the music industry
While the work of researchers is geared toward shaping the future of music, a number of startups are already using AI to fulfill real-life use cases.


A.I. really does make for some of the most strangest music in the world honestly, maybe its a trend that keeps going.


Pretty awesome and amazing results just take a look at this next video. It's something to look into more really trippy stuff in your into that sort of thing which you probably are. Way too trippy for a normal person most likely but its a start to something better and it reminded me of AdultSwim maybe they had these things before these guys!

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If we look at the series of projects on adultswim "off the air" we see some of the same patterns we see in the video before. Glitching , machine made sounds , lots of new stuff and more that sounds electronic and possibly A.I. made.

Thats all I have for now, maybe I'll start to make some music with A.I. or maybe I already did, I don't know. i wonder if it used in the past too? Who knows its all very mysterious and glitchy sound that really seems like the future and extremely cyberpunk and even techno has its wild sounds and synths. More to be looked into on more posts thanks for reading and checking out some things, I hop you all have a good day and night, Peace!



BTW, in reply to your post on my post,
I made this a while back mixing an AI produced song with one of Ridddle's AI videos to push my cert idea which we are moving forward with as we speak... Bit things are happening there FYI :)

you need to watch my Quantum Story Narration too btw, if you want to wrap your head around the future past thing.... :)

Really cool stuff! Here is my youtube and soon one day I'll be covering more A.I stuff and maybe even behind the scenes development of projects more. https://www.youtube.com/darkrevoltion

ya, it's tough to find people that "get it" and really get it :) lol

even tougher to find ones loyal to the cause :) (saving humanity from transhumanism fyi)

Yeah its good stuff at least to learn about it and being more aware.

It's an interesting Mix. Something special is coming soon. As I feel it and try to get the AI in sync with the harmony of the world.

This is a great post. This is so far the best I have come across. Though I really need more knowledge about the deep web and dark web. Am trying to do more research about it. Just need to know the best computer to use and operating system. Please more light on that. Thanks for the great work posted here.

Thanks! Please look around lots of other post's may help you on @j1337

OK. I will do that.


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