Beat Battle League Week #16 | "Gypsy Lane" | Original Track

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Last Battle.png


I was away for the holidays, and I just came home yesterday, so the next morning I've found one of my loops I made few months ago, really liked it and got on it to expand it into a song. I had much fun with this track and in my eyes I now consider it as another demo/basis for my first Frozen Waves album. Even though I had limited time today to make the track and post it for the challenge, I dedicated my time to make it good for the end of this season. The mix had some challenges to produce due to the vast sounds it has and the amount of time I've had, so I needed to experiment little bit with the side chaining to clear out the headroom, the results were good in the end, listen it below...


I've set out to make this track with some serious oomph, the first part I made in Trip Hop style while adding some Industrial elements to it, I've looped this for awhile and enjoyed my time improvising, after some time I decided to add the trumpet into the mix, and the whole track started to get some Balkan sound to it 😎finally I decided to electrify the beat even more with some dirty lead using Massive synth. When all that was over and my stems were finished, it was all post production and head nodding on my part, see below more details about what equipment I used on the track, and of course also very happy New Year to you...



  • MY audio interface is a very small but useful Focusrite Scarlett 2i4
  • Headphones are Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro
  • Beats are made with the Disco Neu kit loaded in Battery 4
  • Trumpet comes from Native Instruments "Cuba"
  • Most of the synth layers in the mix are made with Waldorf Blofeld synth
  • Soft synth is again the incredibly useful Massive from Native Instruments
  • Orchestral instruments are Masse by Spitfire Audio that is loaded in Kontakt 5 sampler
  • The bass I've used is MODO Bass from IK Multimedia
  • Individual track compression and dynamics I made with iZotope Neutron 2
  • I've mastered the track with iZotope Ozone 8 Vintage Limiter and EQ
  • Reverb is Lexhall by Lexicon and Ableton built-in Reverb

Just Green Line (Absolute).png

Found out more about the instruments being used in the track in the links below
BEATS: Battery 4
HARD SYNTH/MIDI: Waldorf Blofeld
ORCHESRTA: Masse loaded in Kontakt 5
COMPRESSION: iZotope Neutron 2 / iZotope Ozone 8 /
REVERB: Lexhall

Shoutout to the creators and judges of this contest @chiefmappster, @danyelk, @derekmiller, and @andrewlyte


@ivan.atman 02 January 2018

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Excellent Track! @ivan.atman my ears perked up right from jump, with that killer intro. Sweet! Awesome all the way thru, congrats on gettin it done pdq as well. Have a great evening.

Thanks @inthenow I'm glad you enjoyed the track, pdq is due to a decade of improvisation and live looping 😄 it gets easier to make music through that process, maybe just for the post production bit I would have liked a bit more time

Sick track bro! Yaaaah gets real Balkan when that oboe sound kicks in.

Thanks Dandy glad you appreciate it, you've spent a lot of time around Balkan to see it's values in music 😁

Resteemed your article. This article was resteemed because you are part of the New Steemians project. You can learn more about it here:

Great vibes Lovin the changes and dynamic flow of the track, Kudos!

Thanks Lethal 👍 😎 glad you appreciate

Excellent stereo image and mixdown. A mystical journey that will lead to occasional discoveries.

Psychedelic track for sure, great job man! You familiar with Shpongle and the others?

Thanks @paradigmprospect I've heard Shpongle few years ago when someone showed them to me, they are like a instrumental/trance collective right?
I remember seeing lots of them on stage, but to answer your question, I know lots of music but the trance/techno and similar I didn't track for some time now, I usually make different music than this but I am now slowly working on my electronic project "Frozen Waves" that I will upload here on Steemit as it goes

Dude it's serious electronic composition, it gave me that Radiohead feeling right from the start and all the way until that trompet droppt in. One can feel the Balkan tone in it, I can tell since I grew up with those tunes surrounding me. (: It's very musical, melancholic and mystical. That's the 3 mighty M's right there. (; Great track @ivan.atman or should I say Odlično. (;

Da da odlično, thank you @beatseb 😄 so you are/were around Balkan or have somebody related from there? I am personally from Croatia, this brass drops are more typical for the Romani gypsies in Serbia and Macedonia, like Kočani Orkestar really made it so popular

Yeah uuhm...I grew up in Macedonia actually, and I was more or less forced listening to those sounds while practicing Jimi on my guitar. I never wanted to be identified with those sounds in my youth...but today I see it differently. It's an enrichment for my musical knowledge. ☺

I know "when a child America is great" 😎it was the same for me, wasn't forced to listen to Croatia folk but its all around you where I live, but Macedonian folklore is something else, me listening to Dragan Dautovski who revived many of the traditional Macedonian songs took a big part in me growing as a diverse musician, also made me very curious about the odd beats that was actually wide spread in Croatia before but now is extinct here, now I can play and understand percussion in any odd beats thanks to that, @beatseb where do you live now?

Right. Macedonian folklore is very beautiful and rich in rhythm and harmony. I live in Germany since '92 and at the moment in Saarbrücken / Saarland. (:

Cool, do you still go to the sunny Macedonia in summer?

Occasionally..I do. (:

Yeah man :) to get away from all that German clouds, you know what, I actually have some loop/improvisations where I've recorded my versions of Petlite pejat, zora se zori and Jovano, Jovanke 😁 now don't laugh there is no production and vocals are off at places totally it was just for fun, check it out

Skip to the minute 04 : 00

Woahhhhhhh what a vibe you create with this entry.

Love the progression in this beat. From the serene intro to the change-up at 0:33 to the one at 0:45 and on you naturally bring us up levels in this beat. So incredible.

And those sounds at 1:33 add such a mystical vibe to this beat.

REally enjoyed your creative arrangement with this one and that artwork you created is so sweet. You got some awesome graphic skills. Much respect.

Thank you for creating this with the short time you had. Much appreciation.

Hope to see you in Season Two :)


Glad to see you appreciate the track
Yeah @chiefmappster I'll stick around for season two 👍 😎
Any thoughts on creating collab contest week?

Ayyy that makes me smile so big :)

And yessirrrr @seveaux is bringing the Get-A-Record contest that collabs singer and producer.

Or are you talking about collabing producer and producer? Because that would be awesome as well.

Appreciate you

I was thinking a #beatbattle week theme, like open choices, some may go as "producer & producer" some "producer&rapper" some "producer&singer" or even "producer&videomaker" or "producer&animator" 😉 you know as long as both entries are Steemit members, just came across my mind that it would be a cool way to start season 2

mmm, I like the Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro.

@ivan.atman, I like how the distortion from the intro blends smoothly into the main melody. And all those incorporated synths go so well. Nice!

Thanks @scuzzy glad you liked it
Yeah Beyerdynamic DT 990 are pretty cool 😄 currently my only tool for mixing and mastering

It's still 10000% better than my $10 sony earphones. lol

hahahaha 😄 been there...done that

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