New Album!!!! Synthesis Underground - Technopeasant - Mix Of Electronic Experiments From Last Few Months

in #music5 years ago

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Super excited to put this out!! Have been trying to make that sound, get to the self expression, find a cultural decode session, the vibing question. Happy to get more out this year!! It's a mix of experimental electronic tunes. I liked how all the songs came out and made a sort of concept out of them. The sound collages take you on a trip. They are kinda psychedelic. Some people say it reminds them of game soundtrack music. That's good, I like the soundtrack sort of vibe and some game soundtracks too. I also like the psy/psytrance kinda electronic vibe with a sound healing element to it. I am influenced by a bit of that.

Here is the album Synthesis Underground - Technopeasant, it's on Bandcamp -

The term technopeasant is someone who is illiterate towards technology. The concept in mind with this is how fast does technology change before it's impossible not to become a technopeasant. The flip side is that technology is really corny and easy to figure out. All the tech are just junk trinket gadgets, especially with planned obsolescence involved in their creation. So people who just accept the latest gadget can be ignorant or illiterate towards how it came to be even if they know how to use it. Levels of techno-peasantry.

I have some songs on this release still up on Soundcloud. You can also download the songs on Bandcamp. It is a name your own price release on bandcamp.

Here is the latest song I wrote for this compilation before its release - Synthesis Underground - Struck In

Some people that heard it also tell me the music has an almost carnival vibe about it. I like that, hehe the idea of a twisted carnival!!

This has got me pumped to make even more music!! Been writing some more ideas/lyrics lately. Tonight is open mic again, don't have anything ready, just want to relax and enjoy the night. I can tell people about this new album release. One night coming home from open mic a couple months back I randomly heard one of my own songs on the radio!! It was from the previous album! That kinda helped get me pumped for this


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