Steemit Local Music Society - Update #3 - New Moderators and Rules

in #music6 years ago

We've been hard at work looking into new ways to improve this community. A lot has gotten done in the past week!

New Moderators

Firstly, I would like to introduce our new moderators so far:

@isaria - A phenomenal singer and songwriter who will be moderating the - you guessed it! - singer/songwriter category. Very happy to have this Steemian on board!

@mentalextract - A cultured DJ and mixologist who will be signing on to the electronic/music production category for your live-mixing, roof-blowing needs!

If you are interested in becoming a moderator for the Steemit Local Music Society, please comment on this post below! We have the following slots open:

0/2 - Hiphop/Rap
1/2 - Bands
0/3 - Music-Related (such as music photography, podcasts, blogs, reviews, and videos)

The new moderator team is brainstorming hard to make an awesome list of activities and events to bolster the music community here on Steemit, so stay tuned for some great new plans!


Secondly, I found that it was going to be extremely important to revisit the rules and courtesies of being a part of this community.

We do NOT want to encourage this posting and running activity that seems to be rather common with new members. Increasing your visibility does not come from low-quality, high number posts. It is exactly the opposite. If anyone is curious about this, I did a video about this, talking about how mistaken we are with some of our instinctive marketing and promotional tactics. If you've found yourself spam-posting or straight out asking for upvotes or follows, this video is for you!

With that said, we ask our members to follow a few simple rules and guidelines:

  1. Keep it cordial and respectful. This community was founded on support and comradery - there is no place for negativity here. Constructive criticisms are welcomed, but be kind to your Steemian brothers and sisters.

  2. Post accordingly. It's important to make your posts in the appropriate channel. Be sure to read the 'Channel Types' post above, and please refrain from posting the same link in too many channels. We in this community were not born yesterday - when you post your band in 'electronic' because you have a keyboardist, you're fooling no one - you will do just fine in the bands channel. Making less posts will bring more visibility to everyone collectively. If you are really unsure, ask a moderator.

  3. Support your fellow SLMS musicians! No one will force you to do so, but it's important that we harbor a supportive and collaborative attitude here. If we all support each other on Steemit through this Discord, we all will grow and prosper greatly. You may be surprised at what you find - take 2 minutes to check out each others posts. Doing so will only label you as a supportive figure in the community, which goes a long way when it comes to growth on the Steemit platform. We notice who supports as well as takes; no one likes a regular post-and-run offender.

  4. Please don't ask for follows and upvotes. Although that is a big reason why we are all here, asking for those things is almost never the way to get them. If you want follows and upvotes, be a part of the community so people know who you are. If you have great things to say, you will likely get follows (and upvotes) from your fellow Steemian musicians. Earn your follows, earn your upvotes. Please don't ask for them.

These things may be edited as time goes on, but I think it's a great start! Setting the foundation for a healthy community is important, which is why we are taking our time with building it.

As always, thank you for taking the time to read and hope to see all you Steemit musicians in the Discord!

You can join the 'Steemit Local Music Society' here:

You can follow me and my tunes on Steemit/Dtube/Dsound:



I am interested! Music-related ;)

I only have 1 track on dsound but im planing to finish the album "Welcome to Dsound" with 8 tracks soon ;)

Awesome man, really glad to hear that! Hop in the SLMS Discord if you haven't already and we'll talk!

Just discovering this, though sounds like a great initiative... 😎

Thanks man! I'm excited about it, we'd love to have you if you're interested!

Good advice, thanks 👍


This post has been voted on from MSP3K courtesy of @isaria from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

Bots Information:

Join the P.A.L. Discord | Check out MSPSteem | Listen to MSP-Waves

This post has been resteemed from MSP3K courtesy of @isaria from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

Bots Information:

Join the P.A.L. Discord | Check out MSPSteem | Listen to MSP-Waves

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