Classical Music is NOT Scary - Use Everything - Tchaikovsky - PART THREE / ORIGINAL SONG

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Hello again. It's time for some more classical music meets pop songs insanity!
I've already written two posts in this little series and you can check them out here


Today it's time for PART THREE and this is where things get pretty insane.
In PART ONE I discussed the importance of the melody,
in PART TWO the rhythm kicked in and now it's time for
PART THREE where everything available is used to make a unique song.

The genius of choice, after Beethoven and Shostakovich, is yet another
famous Russian author - Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky!
You might have noticed I have ''a thing'' for classical music coming
from Russia and Tchaikovsky is probably my favorite.
He studied harmony so he's written some of the most beautiful
melodies I have ever heard. He also has a very unique
''magical'' vibe in his work and that's probably why the
Harry Potter theme song we all know and love is so similar
to what he was doing many centuries before the book came about.

As always, I chose to work with something we are all somewhat
familiar with and that's the ''Swan Lake Waltz''.
''Swan Lake'' is probably the most famous ballet in the world.
That's why ''The Swan Lake'' was the obvious choice.


The waltz is more than 7 minutes long so I had to choose
which parts I will use and which parts I will simply ignore.
I chose the central part because it is really powerful,
ominous and somewhat eerie. Usually, I would only
take the melody or the rhythm, but this time I chose
two sequences of the central part and made a structure around them.
The first part has ''the magical feel'' and the second has
''the powerful ominous sound'' so I could create a
very distinct dynamic between those two parts.
I wanted to create a ''Massive Attack'' sort of vibe so I played
a simple 1/1 rhythm using a heavy hip-hop drum beat.
This time I combined extremely low vocals (probably
as low as I can sing) and coupled those with
high falsetto vocals to achieve an interesting juxtaposition.
Then, for whatever reason, I thought of Blondie's ''Call me''.
I used the melody of the verses to create my chorus melody,
sung in a high falsetto voice. So now I ended up with
Tchaikovsky's ''Swan Lake Waltz'' combined with a distinct
Massive Attack trip-hop vibe and a catchy Blondie chorus.
When that was done, I felt it still needed ''that special something''.
I added some unnaturally high pitched violins on top, some
synth to play a backing bass melody and some Bowie inspired
backing vocals (because Bowie is an endless inspiration for me).

When the track was done, it sounded really insane but
catchy and powerful at the same time.
As I've said before, I like to push the boundaries of what I
can do with music and this was pushing it to the limit.
I combined a classical artist with trip-hop and 70's power-pop
and ended up with something I named ELECTRO TCHAIKOVSKY

Here it is, give it a listen and feel free to enjoy!

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