The healing power of music

in #music7 years ago (edited)


The doctors from Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt treated their patients with sounds and had extensive knowledge in this field. Ancient Chinese healers have had special "musical recipes" to influence one or another body .The first serious research on the healing action of music on the human body was carried out at the end of the 19th century by the neuropathologist James Corning. He studied the influence of Wagner's music on mental disorders. Experimental auditions of this composer's works of patients gave impressive results and healing concerts began in the hospital. In the twenty-first century, we are again turning to sounds as a way to help. A few years ago, the Roman Academy of Sciences produced research on the impact of music on humans. It turns out that depression, fear, the consequences of stress, heart disease and hypertension can be cured at 90%. the conclusions of the Italian scientists confirmed specialists from around the world.

Today, a special international association develops and publishes "musical medicines" and specializes in music therapy, creating musical compositions that help in insomnia, depression, neurosis, have a positive effect on the recovery of the organism after severe illnesses and operations, relieve suffering incurable diseases The pilgrims of this pleasant treatment and prophylaxis are constantly increasing all over the world.
It has been shown that when the functions of an organ are disturbed, it begins to work in another rhythm, changing the frequency and strength of its vibrations. A bright example is the sick heart. And here comes the music. If we know what instrument sounds in unison the diseased organ and we regularly listen to performances of this instrument, the healing rhythm will help the human body regain its previous sound.

All painting are by Michael Cheval

Experts have come to the following conclusions about the impact of individual instruments on different organs in the human body:

heals the soul, helps to walk on the path of self-knowledge, creates a sense of compassion and willingness to sacrifice.
puts the mind in order, harmonizes the energy of the spine.
cleans the thyroid gland.
restores the rhythm of the heart, brings the circulatory system in order.
purifies and expands the lungs.
Harmonizes the work of the heart.
has a beneficial effect on the activity of the kidneys.
balances the liver.
activates the operation of the abdomen.


But the music besides healing is educating too. Art teaches us with its means of expression. For literature, these are the words of art - lines, colors, shapes, and music - musical sounds organized in melody, metrology, dynamics, harmony, etc. The language of music is specific because it lacks immediate visuals and is not as defined as other arts. Music is a constant movement and development, it expresses the emotional state of man, allowing him to aesthetically feel and experience things from reality. The essence of music is feelings, aspirations, dreams; it is associated with joy, pain, sadness, entertainment. She, as no art accompanies man throughout his life. The musical sounds give our soul joy, sadness, joy ... A man, in love with music, could even overcome a few difficulties, tender songs sleep the child, march music makes us march, etc.

Music, as a significant component of aesthetic upbringing, is very close to the emotional nature of children, stimulating their mental and physical abilities. For example, when children study and sing songs, they remember a lot of musical-poetic content that develops their thinking, and frequent repetitions of songs and games, listening to music contribute to the development of memory.


In the process of experiencing and absorbing the song, the children's attention is raised - it becomes more stable, more concentrated; the will is strengthened. We must also emphasize the educational role of music in the deepening of memory. The child will remember the lyrics more easily when they perform it with the song. The combination of text and music leaves many lasting impressions and impressions on the child, and thus it is easier and more direct to use.

Musical upbringing is very important for the development of speech in the child. Speech and music are the main means of communicating to people - through words, melody, imagery. While the main function of speech is the immediate representation of human thoughts, music has a basic function of performing emotional expression.

Finally, singing is also used to correct the shortcomings in children's speech.
"Where words fail, speaks the music."
~ Andersen



Nice thought. I would have loved to see some citations to back it up though :-)

Thanks. There is a quote by Anderson at the end, hehe :)

Very interesting, I have never seen instruments associated with the body before. I must admit, this made me laugh: "THE ACCODRION
activates the operation of the abdomen." I know a lot of people who would say the accordian makes them want to puke... :)
Are you familiar with cymatics? I started a post on it last week if you are interested.

Hehe you are right. Yes it will be nice to see it but cant find it. Can you please give me a ling to your article?

Happy to! Meant to before, I seem to be forgetting my links all over this morning. More coffee!!! lol!

hehe, thanks for the link :)

I think, we should go back to those good old days. Nice information and especially beautiful photos.

Thank you :)

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