Fishytruth... Where To Begin? At The Beginning...

in #fishytruth7 years ago

"In the beginning was the word..."
I suspect most people recognize that quote, so I am not looking up the attribution. It is how the Bible begins its creation story, just in case you are really not sure. This is certainly not the only creation myth, but it is a well known one. There are many that say something similar, that the universe was sung into being, or some reference to vibration / frequency as being the "beginning." Even the most popular creation myth involves a very energetic event, "the big bang." I have a special place in my heart for those acolytes of the religion of "Modern Science." They turn their back on "superstitions" like most religions embrace, insisting they are using reason and fact... then base their entire model of the cosmos on "It started with a miracle, then it got mundane." They refuse to admit their "big bang" is miraculous, insisting that some day science will prove them right.

What I really want to talk about today is frequency. I will present some facts, and I will offer my opinion. I endeavor to be VERY CLEAR in distinguishing my facts from my opinion. If you EVER catch me providing wrong FACTS, tell me. You can be polite, I assure you those who correct my errors are dear to me. If you disagree with my opinion, that is fine, I am up for debate so long as it is respectful. To frame the discussion, I ask you to watch this video:

Read the comments, note how people react to this. An incredible truth is put before them, and they act like 10 year olds. I can't even tell the trolls from the average ignoramus online any more. Don't be that person. Pay attention to the video, there is a MAJOR truth revealed.

Frequency brings matter to life.

It may not be consciousness, but look at how the vibration makes the matter dance.

Here is my theory... I hope this will make you think, and I hope you will share your thoughts.
Frequency is the key to life. We are energy beings having a physical experience. Correction: We are energy BEING having physical experiences. We are interconnected at that energetic level. We are one giant blob of energy, being a Universe and an individual at the same time. Consider the particle / wave dual nature of light, and all the times you have been told we are beings of light. Maybe there is something to it.

OK, this is my first attempt at getting a really important conversation started. I tend to ramble on and on about things that excite me, I am going to stop now and try to let other people chime in if they will.


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@fishyculture Frequency has a great impact on our lifes. A simple example of this is when someone is yelling at you and it impacts you in a negative way.

Seriously! Someone can say "I love you" but if they say it at a certain volume / frequency, you will get a "fight or flight" reaction from it, not a warm fuzzy!

second that! Everything we see/hear/say/do is frequency. I send you some good vibrations.

This is great news. Well done!

My understanding is that all forms in creation can be said to have a vibrational equation that defines them in any moment - however, the forms are just that - forms. The actual 'key to life' in that sense is not so much the forms, but is in understanding the essence of the origin of the vibrations and also that which is vibrating ;)

Through contemplation, it can be found that the least physical aspect we tend to experience is our mind and associated feeling parts. From my understanding, the origin of the vibrations is mental and the essence that is vibrating is the emotional will (yang and yin).

The vibrations, though constantly changing, ARE the constant the frequency is altered, but the basic vibrational form stays the same. The physical form is what shifts in permanent ways. No?

This is topic for long conversation...

Here we go deep in rabbit hole...

We are consciousness. How I know that?...OBE's, NDE's, Remote viewing and so much more. Many people experienced all kind of states where they existed while apart of their body. That number is so huge that is impossible that all those were imagining it

If we are only our body, we should know everything about our body!...But why then we learn about our body in school? If you are your body, then we should already know everything about it. Like I said this is topic for long article. I will wrote it in near future, even time don't exist :P

I'm not only talking about experiences from other people. I had many 'weird' experiences. Last one are my connection with my father in other dimension.

Love to see people open minded for talking about anything without taboo.

So glad you found this topic! I have done a LOT of waking up the sheep, I have done way too much preaching to the choir... I am not backing away from "the fight" but I want a haven where we can just talk. There comes a point when you have had your beliefs shattered often enough that you lose that defensiveness over them, and rather enjoy the "thrill of the hunt" for your any lies you fell for. THOSE are the people I am hoping will join in these topics, and I am SO glad you showed up!
Our cows just busted out, we interrupt this conversation for an unscheduled rodeo... LOL!

LOL! One of the lies that I have determined is "we're standing on a planet." Planets are wandering stars! What we're standing on looks nothing like a star. I know you disagree so I'll stop here. :)

More agreement than you may realize. One of the things the Electric Universe people have shown pretty conclusively is that there is really no difference between asteroids and comets except charge. Electric potential. It is a huge leap that NASA keeps failing to make, but reasonable people can see the proof easily enough. The next "leap" of understanding is that there is no difference between comets and planets, other than charge, electric potential. And then the next leap is there is no difference between planets and stars except... charge, electric potential. It is a giant circuit. I do not think this planet is flat, partly because everything else in the cosmos is spherical-ish at least, but I totally understand why people think their textbooks, professors, and newscasters are liars. :)

I really like this idea: the "uni-verse" is the single spoken phrase that God brought everything into existence with.

And I agree -- "scientism" (because we can't do experiments on it!) says that nothing exploded, and created everything.

That's hogwash! (Not that I've ever washed a hog...)

Everything vibrates, even rocks. I think everything is conscious; everything is "from God". We're all shards of light, which forget where we come from.

Took me a while to get here. Glad to have done so, prior to dissolution. Johnny Five: "No disassemble! Reassemble!"

Love that "universe!" We have the grandkids today, will be back to continue this discussion tomorrow!

:) Enjoy them!

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