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RE: Rediscovering Music - Songs/Videos and Dreams (Part 4)

in #music6 years ago

Pumping out the jams, eh?

Don't recognize anyone here but Michael Bublé and Ed Sheeran, and him very sparingly. More or less I know who he is. :)

It is cool to get insights on what people like in music. Music has a tendency to communicate the moods we're in, or where our mind is at during certain periods of time.

I don't listen to a lot of music anymore. It's hard to do while posting, commenting and curating. Some people can do it, it seems to heighten their senses. Not me. I just lose concentration. :)


I enjoy listening to music. Not sure when I stopped, but I'm enjoying picking it back up again. I definitely agree, music does convey the emotions of the moment. My music choice seems to fluctuate a lot lately..I guess it replicates the busy motions of my life. :)

It is hard to listen to music and multi-task on Steemit. That's why I listen to music and stop at the more light-hearted posts nowadays, like photography or comedy. They don't need me to power up the mind so much. :)

By the way, congrats on making to the top spot once again in the Curation league. You are kickin' ass!

Thank you for saying so. It's mainly a matter of time, though.

I've got more time than most (at least for now). Sure, there's some work to it, but if you have ten hours a day to throw at something instead of three or four, it can mean more stuff gets done. Not always, but generally, over the course of time, the results pile up.

I'm trying to put in as much as I can to build up my stake. I don't think I can keep up the amount of time I'm spending forever, but I am going to try for as long as I can. And since the leagues push me harder, and I benefit from them as people see me out there commenting and trying to add value to their posts, I think it's a win-win.

At some point I need to get back into music. Not sure when exactly. I do some karaoke from time to time, and I sing in a church choir, but that's about it. I find I like the peace and quiet more. Gives me a chance to think and dream of better days. :)

I think it's great that you do take the time to stop by people's posts and give a sincere comment. It is definitely a win-win because you get to know them, and they you. I know I always appreciate it when you stop by. I may not get a chance to comment back to all, at least not right away. I know there are some comments you made that I read but haven't had a chance to reply back , like one I asked you about the gentle bot weeks ago. :)

Dreaming of better days is always a wonderful past time. :) Music does make those dreams seem within arms reach.

I'd like to take the credit for my actions, really, but I'm more or less doing what I understand I'm supposed to be doing: posting, commenting and curating. And, since smaller comments aren't considered comments more than they are spam, well, that means I need to leave something a little longer. Generally, that means trying to reply in as complete a manner as possible.

You don't have to worry about replying back to me. You don't have a lot of time, and there's always something better to be doing, like being outdoors, so no worries. I'm just glad you saw my reply and hopefully it will be useful.

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