The story behind Chaifm + My New Year resolutions !!

in #music7 years ago

Merry Christmas Steemit!!

Christmas is time for stories, so here is one - The Story of Chaifm.

What is behind, how it started and how to pronounce it? :) Together it is around 1 hour of recordings - so take your time for relaxation, giggles and some magical music, with harmonies from out of this world.
(And a lot of randomness. Quirkiness alert :)

Play track 1 (secret note - at 12: 40 there is a beautiful original song from @melavie - Magic Window ft. forest birds)

It was a beautiful summer night, far in the nature, away from the civilization. Meadow with many fairies, wizards and all kinds of artists sitting around the fire. Mela and our friend Frannie were playing a beautiful song, when a big summer storm came.

So, we found another fireplace to sit around.
People came, people went to sleep, some came back, dawn came, birds started to sing. And in that window of time something magical happened, a lot of beautiful conversations, laughter, beautiful music came out. As a joke we started to pretend that we have this radio Chai FM, as we were sitting in the place where they make tea. A joke that I ended up taking pretty seriously.

Play track 2 (if you are ready)

Somehow, naturally I became the person who asks questions. I love asking people questions, especially about their passions. I think this is the most exciting conversation you can have, and wow. Here we turned a conversation into an awesome morning jam. Guitar, harmonica, birds, lovely voices....what more.

Side note - there was no alcohol or hard drugs present, it is just pure love and one week of strong sleep deprivation from sitting around the fire all night and playing all day. Perfect recipe for chai. Chai FM.

Play track 3 (Only if you are ready)

So what happened after?
We have met again, and made some more recordings. This is my favourite one. Mostly songs, not so much talking this time:)

This all happened in summer 2016. At the same time, I also created this steemit account, and my plan was to keep on doing the same and sharing with people.
But then, life happened.
I forgot about steemit for a year or so, and also I had to put chaifm to the side - mostly because of not really believing in myself. Maybe it just was not the time for this.

Fast forward to summer 2017 - I have just moved to Berlin and felt good about life. I came across this song River. For reasons unknown to me till today, I made a video and posted it on steemit, as @samstonehill kept reminding me this thing again and again.

The next day I logged in, and saw this number 180 next to the post and tears came to my eyes.
I am so grateful to all the people who supported me, and keep supporting me - your vote makes a huge difference in another human being's life - mine. I have to say it set me on a very different trajectory, than where I was heading originally.

Big shout out to: @hendrikdegrote @curie @donkeypong @bue @analisa @igster @pharesim @liberosist @samstonehill and many many others, you guys totally rock. Thanks for supporting musicians and artist. This two way exchange of energy fuels the creative process and what we all end up creating, more than you might think.

But. There is always but.
The thing is - in my mind Chaifm was always this place for art discussion, playfulness, joy and collaboration between beautiful people, creating magical things. And that has not been the case lately. I withdrew myself in, and these days most of the time I just play alone.

Listening to these recordings, it reminded me of the best version of myself. I would love to get back to that state.

Rediscovering playfulness and laughter.
Playing and recording more with other people.
(the first one, even though it seems random, is so important for this second resolution)

Right now, I do not have a clear vision on how this will happen, and it would be awesome to include the steemit community in this project - Maybe you guys have some ideas on how to do this ?
Is this something that you see happening on steemit - kind of a radio show with live jam thingy?
Collaborations with different artists on steemit ?
Omg I would LOVE to interview for example @steembirds and have a jam together, wherever they live :) that would be hilarious.
Anywho, curious to hear your thoughts steemit universe! Anything on what kind of thing would you like to see in the future.

Second big thank you to everyone who is keeping the music community alive, wow guys, amazing what keeps happening and all the artists that keep coming - 150+ entries last week in openmic, wow.
Thank you @luczypher @meno @passion-ground @pfunk @soundlegion @verbal-d @krystle @isaria

If I forgot to add someone, apologies in advance, I tried my best.

Thank you all, Merry Christmas!!!

Play track 4 ( Side note: Spaghetti is a puddle of people hugging. All tangled, kind of like spaghetti. )
Wish you all a big puddle of spaghetti.

PS Resolution already started to happen, we had a lovely jam back in my "hood" - and I TOTALLY FEEL IN LOVE. With electric guitar!!!



A beautiful post. Love how you have used Soundcloud to spice it up with a bit more awesome energy. It's so great to have you here on Steemit!

I know you will use your new knowledge to help many others... You already are :)

Upped & resteeemed with a smile and so much joy & excitement in my heart 😊

Screen Shot 2017-06-05 at 09.58.37.jpg

Merry Christmas!!! :)

Thank you! Merry all and happy everything!

Loved the story of your name... ohh Missy... if I can share something as man who has made a lot of mistakes in life, an artist should always be an artist first.

We can wear suits, get jobs and speak properly, but if we forget who we are, we dwindle, we dry up, and rob ourselves of the opportunity to be happy, of the difficult task of finding purpose.

You always have been an artist, at some point in time, you did not know, but now... today... right now... you know who you are...

Don't let yourself forget your truth...

Much love


Thank you @meno.
Well, the story is not finished :)

One day, I would love to hear what is your story of many mistakes, as they are the best ones :) wow sounds like another great chaipportunity for interview :)

Merry Christmas live long with your family

Happy new year in advance dear god bless you dear

Happy new year!

Love this!! Your music is amazing :)) Recording fireside is my favorite..

Thank you! Well with summer solstice behind us, times of fireplaces are coming closer and closer, yey :)

As I said before, I am your fan as well, and this just makes me smile :)

I understand the urge to withdraw for a while, I guess we are both introverts hehe, but when you are reminded of that feeling of playing with other people just trying to make each other smile and enjoy the jam, that is an undescribable feeling, one that I'm glad to read you want more of ;), that's the main reason I have two bands hehe.
P.S. electric guitar rocks!! :)

Big puddle of spaghetti for you as well!!! ;)

awesome, where can we hear these bands? :)

Well, one is called Olvidé San Telmo and you can listen to it here:

That is the first single from our second record :)

The other one is called KOBA, and it's more of an alternative rock band, we are actually in the procces of recording our first album hehe, here's a demo I mixed of one of our songs in my studio :)

I'm gonna be making a video and post about the recording procces as well as an album release post when it's done, we're still a ways away ;)

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