Dlive Music Gig Guide ( Concept )

in #music6 years ago


Hi Steemit,

Welcome to the first of what I hope to be many posts for an idea to create a weekly gig guide to upcoming live online music performances. The idea is to give audiences awareness and enough time to plan to watch musicians who are going to stream a live performance in the near future on a set date and time via Dlive.

I create this initial post to get your feedback. Please let me know, as musicians and music lovers if this is something you would like to see on Steemit. I would really appreciate your feedback. My goal here is to attract more musicians to the platform and support those already using it.

Rules are simple:

  • I will create a weekly post called "Dlive Music Gig Guide Submissions (upcoming week number)

  • You add a comment with the following details to your upcoming live performance

    1. A short bio about yourself/band ( Max 140 characters )
    2. Date & time of your performance UTC ( Coordinated Universal Time )
    3. About your upcoming performance ( Max 140 characters )

  • Live streaming must be done via Dlive

  • Performance must be of live music. All music welcome.

  • Maintain punctuality on the date and time you set. (Within reason of course)

  • Cut off for submissions is Sunday 12PM UTC

  • Gig Guide will be posted on Wednesdays at 2PM UTC

  • The Gig Guide will cover 11 days ( Wednesday to the following Sunday ) so there is always overlap.

Here is an example of an entry:

@builtinfire Grunge meets blues rock, solo indie artist from Australia. 8th May 2018 @ 4PM UTC. I'll be playing an acoustic set covering all past submissions to to OpenMic.

I am sure there will be kinks to iron out and most likely a few things I haven't thought of here but I'm sure with your feedback and support we'll get this running smoothly. I am fairly new to Steemit, but already have a passion for the platform and the vision it stands for. This is my small attempt to contribute to the growth, attract more musicians and support the musicians currently using it.

I would really appreciate your feedback on this. If you think it's a great idea, please resteem. If you think it's a bad idea, please resteem and leave a comment :) I also need an idea on the best way musicians can send me a photo to use in the Gig Guide Post, so if anyone has an idea here, please share. I would like to avoid email etc, but if that turns out to be the only option, I'll consider that path

I did search for something similar to this idea but found nothing it on Steemit. If someone else is doing something similar on Steemit, please let me know. I am not here to step on any toes, only to support and help grow this awesome community. Any legitimate objections, please let me know.

So if any of you have a live gig coming up, let's try this out: Post your gig details below. First Gig Guide will be posted Wednesday 9th May @ 2PM UTC.

Sincerely @builtinfire

Post photo by Claus Grünstäudl


Such an awesome idea! Let me know if you are interested in being invited to steemitbloggers, I think it would really help you get this idea out there and running smoothly. Are you on Discord?

Thank you for the feedback @sweetpea I would definitely be interested in finding out more about steemitbloggers. I did register for Discord, but have honestly have not used it much.

Hey, sorry for the late response! I get so much correspondence from Steemit it's hard to keep up! Please visit this link for more info: https://steemit.com/steemitbloggers/@jaynie/the-steemitbloggers-discord-community-doors-are-opening

If youdecide to join, please say @sweetpea referred you. As a member you have a few things you have to agree to, like you have to upvote and comment on at least one other member's post a day etc. , but you get tons upvotes and support and you make good contacts. I think your Gig Guide would do very well!!

Thank you for that information. Really appreciated. I will check it out.

this is an really awesome idea, I'm new and don't stream yet, but I might aswell might because of this giving me motivation.
This is also one sind of what this would bring, more musicians to perform live.

Thanks for the feedback @that.bass.guy Yea, well live streaming is only going to get bigger as these technologies develop. I watched a musician yesterday playing live on DLive and the interaction was an incredible experience. There are incredible musicians on Steemit already who I am sure are building a fan base here. This idea will hopefully give them a planned out week to which they can organise their life around and get more people to the live streams. I haven't used Dlive myself yet to stream, but will definitely be doing so in the future.

This is so needed. I was thinking of doing something like this myself but you beat me to it. Let me know if I can support you in any way.

How about using Google calendar and making it public? Maybe you want to avoid Google which is totally understandable, but I find it useful for this kind of thing.

My streams tend to be rather impromptu so I imagine that scheduling and advertising would bring me some more viewers. I do try to support other musicians’ streams where I can but I never know when they’re on! The only one I can sometimes catch is the wonderful @yidneth - she streams on a Thursday night from Spain.

Well done for putting this out there!

Having the same problem as Camuel. And thank you for the mention. Now I usually play on Thu but sometimes I dlive on ramdom moments. I will see to this. Thanks from dlive musicians.

Thanks @yidneth Appreciate your comment. The great thing about DLive is that the performance is recorded and fans can go watch after the fact so they rarely ever miss out. There is something about watching a live stream tho and I believe we're only at the infancy of where this tech is going. Already 360 VR video is becoming more used and it's only a matter of time to when this becomes cheaper and more adopted by the masses. A musician may find soon that they have more 'virtual' fans in the crowd than 'real' ones. Don't know how I feel about that but the reality is that it's moving that way. Nothing like a live concert tho in my opinion. I am keen to test this concept and see if can get some traction to where musicians are seeing notable increases in their views and to where new fans are introduced.

I come from touring with musicians then in many ways back to humbler ways, so for me dlive and broadcast platforms is a way to connect directly to a fresh new audience, to practise and rehearse, to have fun, to become better on my own. As for now most of my humble following (after two decades active you have some unconditional supporters) are out of the blockchain, but who knows, this is only the beginning.

Hi @camuel Thank you very much for the feedback. So appreciated. Google's services do work great and I use them myself. The idea of a shared calendar is a great idea. I did, however, envision using Steemit as far as possible to create this schedule. With a small number of shows, it may not be an issue but if this grew to hundreds a week, we may need to look at new ideas. Let's see how we go. Your support would be appreciated. If you had any upcoming shows, please share them with me and let's test the concept. I know from a personal capacity I would like to watch your live-streamed music.

One of the really useful things about Google Calendar is that events show up your local time. That's going to be one of the hurdles to overcome with however you decide to go. Daylight savings makes it even more difficult to figure out. I so wish they would just do away with that!

That's a great point @camuel That's alot more convenient than trying to convert time zones. I like it. We should try it and see how it goes. That's what this is about: Trying different things until it runs smoothly.

Are you on Discord? It would be good to take this convo in the DMs if you're okay with that?

I have signed up but have not been active at all. I will be getting more involved. By all means, please do go ahead. The more feedback we can get on this, the better.

I'm Camuel#5514 on Discord. Hit me up and we'll chat.

You can always watch streams after the fact but then you’re missing out on the engagement factor and that does make a different to me when I’m playing.

I’d like to do one tonight but I’m not sure of the time yet. I’ll let you know.

I love this idea @builtinfire! It totally fits in with my need to schedule aspects of my life to make them actually happen. I've only posted a pre recorded video to Dlive to date but I've been wanting to work out a regular time to stream. Awesome work mate!

Thanks for the feedback @trevorpetrie Much appreciated. Well give this a go and see if we can get some momentum.

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